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Politics & Policy

Making the Tax Code Work for Low-Income Families

April 18, 2017
Today is Tax Day, marking the deadline for Americans to file their taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For many families living below the poverty line, the arrival of Tax Day means they can usually count on receiving money back from the government to use for everyday expenses such as...
Cara Baldari's picture

Talking about Incarceration on MomsRising Radio

April 17, 2017
I was honored to talk with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner about how incarceration affects pregnant women and families. The United States leads the world in incarcerating its citizens and residents, including parents and pregnant women. The impact of incarceration is not distributed equally: people who are...
Rachel Roth's picture

Activism In the Time of Trump

April 14, 2017
On the #RADIO show this week, we cover the importance of the Tax March/#TaxDay; activism in the time of Trump and tackling implicit bias; the rights of incarcerated pregnant women; and the importance of bilingual education. Throughout the show, there are tips and tactics for what YOU can do to make...
Kristin's picture

Quick action: Sign onto our list of questions for Congress!

April 12, 2017
It’s time! We need you to #KeepMarching with us while Congress is home during their recess! Recess? Well, right now, members of Congress are in their home districts and many are hosting Town Halls to hear from constituents. Not everyone can attend in-person, so we’ve compiled a list of questions...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Transparency, Democracy, and Trump's Taxes

April 10, 2017
President Trump’s refusal to disclose his tax returns breaks with decades of precedent and leaves the American people in the dark about his potential business ties with foreign adversaries like Russia and how his Administration’s policies might benefit his bottom line at the expense of the rest of...
Anna Chu's picture

The threat from hackers is real. What can you do about it?

April 6, 2017
I don't know about you, but the past year has been a real wake up call for me about the importance of digital security. I used to think of hackers as bored teenagers showing off for their friends, or scammers sending viruses and spam to people by the millions. But today's online outlaws are much...
ruby's picture

MomsRising Statement on Removal of Steve Bannon From the National Security Council

April 5, 2017
Stephen Bannon has a history of promoting anti-semitism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, transphobia and white supremacy - and has dedicated his life to dividing Americans. He was wholly unfit to serve on the National Security Council and his removal from the council makes us all safer. For...
MomsRising's picture

Human Needs Report: Advocates' defeat ACA repeal bill, FY17 & FY18 spending work, Supreme Court confirmation and more

April 3, 2017
The Coalition on Human Needs just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report. Read on for articles on advocates' work to defeat the ACA repeal bill, FY17 & FY18 budget and appropriations work, a Supreme Court confirmation vote and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Head Smacker: Trump wrongly claims corporate taxes are too high

March 29, 2017
President Trump’s address to Congress last month gave us in the human needs community much to smack our heads about. As the Coalition on Human Needs' Debbie Weinstein noted in this piece about Trump’s false promises, he promised better health care while working to repeal the ACA; thanks in part to...
Lecia Imbery's picture

#WePersist! Terrible U.S. House health care bill pulled from the floor!

March 27, 2017
We persisted—and it worked! We just won a major health care battle! Help keep this momentum going: GIVE NOW to help us keep the fight to protect health care going strong! The U.S. House just pulled the incredibly destructive...
Felicia Burnett's picture
