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Politics & Policy

Join us at Our Lives on the Line!

July 28, 2017
WE WON! Health care was just saved in an extremely close vote in the U.S. Senate late last night! Never doubt that your voice, your stories, and your phone calls, can make a difference. It does. Last night's health care vote is the proof. While we won an important battle in the fight for millions...
Abbie Gately's picture

Sign our Thank You card to U.S. Senators who stood up for health care!

July 28, 2017
WE WON! Health care was just saved in an extremely close vote in the U.S. Senate late last night! Never doubt that your voice, your stories, and your phone calls, can make a difference. It does. Last night's health care vote is the proof. **We want to take a moment to say something important to you...
Kristin's picture

Happy Birthday Medicaid from the Millions Who Love and Need You

July 28, 2017
“It was a generation ago that Harry Truman said, and I quote him: ‘Millions of our citizens do not now have a full measure of opportunity to achieve and to enjoy good health. Millions do not now have protection or security against the economic effects of sickness. And the time has now arrived for...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Don’t give up on health care! Contact Congress (again) now!

July 27, 2017
The health care insanity continues! In good news, in no small part due to people like you making phone calls, the U.S. Senate Republicans have yet to get enough votes to repeal health care for tens of millions of people. In bad news, they’re still trying to take away health care. *Can you call...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Medicaid gives my son a chance to hear and be heard #ProtectOurCare

July 27, 2017
Below is the story submitted by PA MomsRising member Jill Cammarata My son Anthony was born with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss—which means he has been completely deaf from birth—in 2014. I had a totally healthy pregnancy and natural delivery, and by all accounts Anthony was a...
Nadia's picture

Vote happening TODAY! Tell your U.S. Senator to "Vote no!"

July 25, 2017
This is absolutely insane! U.S. Senate Republican leadership announced late yesterday that they’ll be voting on a Motion to Proceed to take health care away from millions of people TODAY—and we don’t actually know what will be in the bill that they’re voting on! Is this any way to deal with our...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Human Needs Report: ACA repeal vote this week, FY18 budget and spending work, and more

July 24, 2017
The Coalition on Human Needs just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report. Read on for articles on the Senate’s latest efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the House FY18 budget blueprint, House and Senate spending work, and efforts to repeal a new consumer financial protection rule.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Keep Working and Never Ever Give Up!

July 21, 2017
What a week it’s been. It’s hard to conceive that despite opposition from hundreds of organizations including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the AARP, and dozens of disease and patient advocacy groups; despite loud protests through town halls, demonstrations,...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

#ProtectOurCare Why Medicaid matters for my son's life

July 17, 2017
Below is the story submitted by PA MomsRising member Devalina I'd like to share a personal story of how the new proposed Senate Bill (BCRA) would directly affect my family and hurt others in the Bleeding Disorders Community. Our son Zeke, was born with a chronic illness called Hemophilia last March...
Nadia's picture

An Open Letter to the United States Senate

July 14, 2017
I learned my first lessons about injustice and health as a little Black girl growing up in segregated Bennettsville, South Carolina. I remember my parents’ and my sadness over the senseless death of little Johnny Harrington, who lived three houses down from our church who died before he reached 10...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
