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Education Fund

We Are MomsRising

Protect Our Reproductive Rights: MomsRising Members Share Their Personal Stories on Abortion Experiences

February 24, 2022
What is Reproductive Justice? Bodily autonomy. Fair treatment. Attainable and affordable healthcare access.
Diarra Diouf's picture

How to Safely be an Active On-The-Ground MomsRising Member, Even During COVID-19

February 24, 2022
At MomsRising, our members taking action on-the-ground form a core part of our mission to create a more family friendly America. Being an active on-the-ground member of MomsRising means volunteering to lead or participate in on-the-ground actions. If you are interested and able to participate in...
Joy Ikekhua's picture

I'd love to recommend my daycare.

February 24, 2022
I waited. Some waits would potentially be a few weeks, while others were indefinite. One child care center stopped adding children to their waitlist through the end of 2021.
Selina Maldonado's picture

Preguntas y respuestas sobre la vacuna COVID-19 y los niños

February 23, 2022
Recibimos cientos de preguntas y comentarios de padres a través del país sobre la vacuna para los niños de la COVID-19. Por eso nos alegró poder que se unieran a nosotros la CDC para responder algunas de sus preguntas.
Selina Maldonado's picture

Reproductive Justice: Here's What You Need to Know

February 22, 2022
An overview of Reproductive Justice related federal and state policy updates. The Set Up… What seemed to move quickly towards the middle-end of last year, began as a slow burn.
Diarra Diouf's picture
Two parents with child looking at computer

#TaxRefund Tweetchat: Filing Taxes for the EITC, CTC, & Available Tax Credits for Families

February 22, 2022
On Tuesday, February 8th, MomsRising hosted an exciting bilingual #TaxRefund Tweetchat on Filing Taxes for the EITC, CTC, & Available Tax Credits for Families. We discussed getting families to file taxes for the upcoming tax season to receive tax credits like the EITC, the remaining amount of...
Hanna's picture

Kids and the COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A

February 18, 2022
MomsRising recently hosted a conversation with experts from the CDC to talk about the kids' COVID-19, vaccine. Below is a summary of our questions and answers. (Se puede leer en español aquí. ) Felicia Burnett, National Director for health care at MomsRising: How do we know that the covid vaccine...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Senadores, no nos rompan el corazón

Dile a tus senadores: ¡Estás rompiendo nuestros corazones!

February 12, 2022
Para el Día de San Valentín, sería genial disfrutar de chocolates, flores y dulces. Pero es difícil sentir el amor cuando mi familia y tantas otras familias como la mía luchan por pagar y acceder a un cuidado infantil de calidad. Sé que hemos estado hablando mucho sobre el cuidado de niños...
linda's picture

Brand New Breaking Through Podcast: Behind the scenes of “Don’t Look Up” & How to Build Necessary Change

February 7, 2022
On the radio show this week we cover how culture and politics come together to create real change, including through the movie “Don’t Look Up”; as well as the ways to get registered to vote, to find candidates, and to protect democracy. We also cover what’s happening with Build Back Better and...
MomsRising's picture

Brand New Breaking Through Podcast: Fulcrum Points of Change in Our Nation’s Capitol

February 2, 2022
On the radio show this week we cover disability rights; as well as what’s happening with the assault on abortion access and how you can help protect women’s rights and bodily autonomy; the ways in which big pharma is taking advantage of taxpayers and how to fight back; and we also hear the latest...
MomsRising's picture
