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By trade, I am a registered dietitian. So, I know a lot more than the average mom about what to eat and what not to eat. In fact, my mother is also a registered dietitian, so the basics of a healthy diet were part of everyday life for me growing up. As a dietitian, I know the importance of healthy...
Sarah Griswold's picture
Last night at din­ner, my first grader described the big cup­cake that he ate yes­ter­day at school in honor of a classmate’s birth­day. Between bites of pasta mixed with spinach-walnut pesto, he offered a detailed account of choco­late cake, colored sprin­kles and a copi­ous pile of frost­ing. I,...
Stacy Whitman's picture
Competitive foods has been the buzz phrase in the food policy social world for a few weeks. You have probably figured out by now that is has something to do with kids, schools, passionate parents, junk food, and cunning lobbyists bribing kids with candy. If so, then you're on the right track...
Yoli Ouiya's picture
Under current USDA guidelines, a 10 year old child attending public school can opt to consume the following on any given school day: a can of Coca-Cola and a HoneyBun for breakfast; a Snickers bar for a snack; an a la carte pizza, bag of potato chips, packaged chocolate chip cookie and an...
Chinara Tate's picture
Yesterday I posted about a teacher in my child’s middle school who routinely distributes 12 oz cans of Coke and large bags of gummi bears (and sometimes both) to his students as rewards for classroom performance. I also recounted how, when my daughter asked this teacher for permission to go to the...
Bettina Siegel's picture
UPDATED - April 10, 2013 As a chef, food justice activist, and author, I’m thrilled to introduce this MomsRising Blog Carnival – Junk Free Schools! Many children consume up to half of their daily calories at school, and 40% of students purchase snack food at school. Today, schools across the...
Bryant Terry's picture
5. Rep. Paul Ryan and the House would make deep cuts in spending, in large part by reducing programs for low-income families Rep. Ryan proposes $5.7 trillion in spending cuts to be implemented over 10 years. Similar to his budget last year, these cuts target programs that benefit low-income...
Mattea Kramer's picture
This just happened: The NRA had the police escort mothers, children, and families off the premises when we attempted to deliver over 100,000 messages from moms across the nation today. We were stunned. We hoped the NRA leadership would meet with us (or at least accept the messages)...
Kristin's picture
Small business owners around the country are grappling with the same question: What will health reform mean for me and my employees? Opportunities and confusion abounds. To demystify the opportunities and obligations under the Affordable Care Act this year and beyond, MomsRising is teaming up with...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Gov. Jay Inslee reappointed Dr. Bette Hyde to lead Washington’s Department of Early Learning during the next four years, a critical period when the state will work to ensure that its early learning systems continue to grow and are sustainable. The new governor had been moving through his...
Paul Nyhan's picture
