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Recently, Katherine watched the three-part PBS series MAKERS in one sitting. (If you haven’t seen it yet, we highly recommend and encourage you to watch it online here ). While some argue that the documentary misses the mark on feminism today, Katherine appreciated the film’s ability to move...
Joan C. Williams's picture
This story originally appeared in the Slow Love Life blog. TIME magazine has just released its cover story on Sheryl Sandberg, with an excerpt from her new book. I wrote a column for the issue, but here's the (bit) longer version for readers of Slow Love Life. I would love to hear your thoughts. I...
Dominique Browning's picture
Not to flatter myself, but I am exactly who Sheryl Sandberg had in mind when she decided to write Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. Thirty-five, married, mother of two young (but not too young) children, MBA who has worked consistently in one high-status industry for over a decade, and...
Cheryl Stober's picture
Sheryl Sandberg's well-researched new book, Lean In, focuses on helping women who aspire to careers identify and overcome negative societal messages they have internalized over the years – old scripts that undermine women’s self-confidence and hold them back from achieving their full potential on...
Stephanie Coontz's picture
I sent this letter requesting a meeting with NRA President David Keene to talk about moms' concerns and to deliver MomsRising's petition for common-sense gun safety laws. To date, the NRA hasn’t responded. Details about delivery here : March 5, 2013 David Keene President National Rifle Association...
Kristin's picture
I wish I were the kind of mom who could say her daughter is repelled by junk food, that she craves only fruits and vegetables. But no, given the option, my kid will choose barbecue potato chips over carrots, a six pack of dusted mini donuts over whole grain tortilla chips. At home, I do what I can...
dream hampton's picture
The growing Latino demographic in our country, along with their demonstrated voting power, is poised to push legislators to favor stronger gun safety laws. And within the Latino community, women, especially mothers, are likely to be at the forefront in calling on Congress to protect our nation's...
Mary O's picture
That's our message to Congress today. Why? As our country and the world celebrates International Women's Day, Congress has chosen to do nothing to stop across-the-board spending cuts that threaten the health and economic security of women, our families, and our national economy. ***Take action in...
Kristin's picture
This story from Seaman High School in Topeka, Kansas shows that despite the best intentions of schools and the hard work of teachers, trying to create an environment with healthier vending choices can be extremely difficult and time consuming. National standards on competitive foods sold in schools...
Kate Uslan's picture
According to an analysis by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) March employment report, one-third (80,000) of the new jobs added in February went to women while men gained 156,000. According to the BLS, job growth improved substantially in...
Caroline Dobuzinskis's picture
