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This story originally appeared in Psychology Today. National Telework Week buzzed about, ironically, bans on telecommuting. Last week, Best Buy announced the end of its work-at-home program known as ROWE (results-only-work-environment), on the heels of Yahoo’s ban on remote work a week before. Then...
Nanette Fondas's picture
Last July, Felix Trinidad died after working for months with cancer . He wasn’t able to earn paid sick days and he was so worried about losing pay or possibly even his job – and his ability to support his wife and two small children – that he put off going to the doctor until it was too late: His...
Ruth Martin's picture
This article originally appeared in . As Latinas, it behooves us to look at the trends and be ready for our own future, and to take on leadership roles in the country. Latinos Have the Fastest Population Growth Rate According to Census data, Latinos are the fastest growing...
Aurelia Flores's picture
This story originally appeared in PwC blog . One of Aoife’s recent blog entries shared some insights on the PwC Sponsored session that took place at this year’s Women’s Forum for Economy and Society’s annual global meeting. The session entitled ‘Rising Stars: Developing Millennial Women as Leaders...
Dr. Elisabeth Kelan's picture
I have been following the deluge of blog posts, tweets, etc., which followed the publication of Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Atlantic article on “Having it All” . I gave my own response on “Having a life” in my blog , and also tweeted my take, which led her to quote me in her response. The overall...
Terri E. Givens's picture
Sheryl Sandburg's new book Lean In puts a spotlight on the shortage of women leaders in the work force. She underscores that motherhood is a time when many women get side tracked from their careers. She advises young women to "lean in" in order to stay on track, move up the hierarchy, and become...
joan's picture
Ms. Maxwell is also a law student, political commentator, and living with death threats. Last week, she suggested teaching men not to rape as an option to arming women with guns. For this, Maxwell received a threat to slit her throat. Rape remains an obstacle to female advancement. There were about...
Gloria J. Browne-Marshall's picture
This is an e-mail that received at its member feedback "line": . So, once again Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer moves a pinky and the 24-hour news hounds start fanning the flames of discord among the working world’s haves and have-nots – pitting parents, non-parents...
This article originally appeared in Forbes . Searching for the Sheryl Sandbergs of Asia on Twitter. Give me a name and tell me why #top25womenAsia I just had to send that tweet out. For the third time in a month, I had seen a list recommending 25 women to follow on Twitter. For the third time in a...
Tanvi Gautam's picture
What a lot of attention the book Lean In by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has generated. The self-help book, mostly geared towards college-educated women who are or want to be on the executive track, promotes believing in oneself, taking risks and pursing ambitious goals as tactics for personal and...
Linda Meric's picture
