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A little over 25 years ago, Dr. Heidi Hartmann dashed between meetings and a part-time fellowship in a 1969 Buick with a couple of boxes of files dedicated to research on women’s economic security in the back of a rather sizable trunk. This corner of Dr. Hartmann’s Buick can safely be referred to...
Jennifer Clark's picture
This story originally appeared in the Modern Mami blog. News of Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, eliminating workplace flexibility and forcing all employees to work in the office (even those that were already telecommuting) hit the Internet this past weekend with much backlash. Many people felt her...
Melanie Edwards's picture
Earlier this week, New York Justice Milton Tingling handed down a judgment invalidating New York City’s portion control regulations on sugar-sweetened beverages. At ChangeLab Solutions , we were disappointed Judge Tingling blocked the restrictions, but we're hopeful New York City will successfully...
Manel Kappagoda's picture
We have struggled to end violence against women for as long as any of us can remember. But today — finally — I believe we stand at a global tipping point. As we all know, series of increasingly shocking — and increasingly visible — acts of violence from Delhi to Cairo and from Bredasdorp, 
Mallika Dutt's picture
This week, traditional and new media outlets are abuzz with news about Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In. For once, the focus of the media is on workplace policies and practices that directly impact women and families. So we're taking the tiger by the tail! In celebration of all women,...
Kristin's picture
This story originally appeared in Women Online . I thought I’d be Lean In ’s biggest cheerleader. When I watch Sheryl Sandberg on television I fall in love with her. She’s articulate, compelling, beautiful, and she’s right. Things do need to change for women at work. And things need to change for...
Morra Aarons-Mele's picture
This story originally appeared in Girl Gone Travel . Every so often, here on Girl Gone Travel, I like to share a personal story or two to remind people that the person sharing stories on travel and food, beautiful hotels and retreats, is a real person, who experienced some really harsh moments, all...
Carol Cain's picture
Childcare costs more than college . Mothers with equal resumes are hired 80 percent less of the time than non-mothers and are offered lower starting salaries. It costs over $200,000 to raise one child from birth to age 18 (not including college). All of this is happening every day in the backdrop...
Kristin's picture
Guest post by Julia Lippman Leading up to my 26th birthday, researching health plans was not high on my to do list. This birthday marks my official exit from the young 20s and a hop, skip and a jump away from 30. If you’re like me, you’ve taken full advantage of the Affordable Care Act , allowing...
Aaron Smith's picture
Best Buy Co, Inc. has gone backwards in time, following the footsteps of Yahoo! and demanding all hands on deck . We're certain that other organizations are going to stumble backwards as well over the next few weeks. When we heard the news, we weren't surprised; as new management came on board over...
Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson's picture
