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My mother told me “Anita, if you want to get an A, then you answer the way they want you to answer out there. But know that you can always come home and we can talk about the truth.” The erasing of indigenous wisdom from our history books plays an insidious role in the subjugation of Native Americans.
Anita Sanchez's picture
Raising Constituent Voices To Protect Health Care MomsRising’s Health Care Team has been working hard since the November 2016 election to help protect and advance access to health care by activating our membership to speak out on the importance of the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid. During the...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Resources on anti-semitism for parents and children alike.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
By: Dr. Christina Han As a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist and a mother of two young children, I have experienced pregnancy from both sides of the examination table. In my clinical work, I diagnose and manage complications of pregnancy every day, and frequently hear mothers exclaim, “I just want...
SMFM's picture
It is National Breastfeeding Month and I was just in an Asian Breastfeeding Task Force kick-off meeting last week. Healthcare providers in Los Angeles and Orange County came together and formed this task force because they feel it’s clear that there are special and unique cultural and education...
To-wen Tseng's picture
Within days of coming back to work as a Frontier Airlines pilot after having my first child, who was still nursing, I got an extremely painful breast infection. Despite doing my best to pump regularly between flights in airport bathrooms and at my hotel on overnight trips, I still got mastitis, and...
On the radio show this week we cover the latest in immigration policy and the Trump Administration; the urgent need for criminal justice reform in the USA; America’s Healthiest School Campaigns and what you can do to help; and the #IPumpedHere Campaign. *Special guests include: Wendy Cervantes,...
Kristin's picture
This weekend, we watch in horror as white supremacists and Nazis march through the streets of Charlottesville inciting violence that has caused the death of at least one peaceful anti-racism demonstrator. There’s no question that the election of Donald Trump has emboldened white supremacists, neo-...
MomsRising's picture
People, especially white people like me, it’s time to stand up with courage, clarity and integrity against white supremacy and hate politics. None of us can stand silent. Just look at what’s happening in # Charlottesville , Virginia yesterday and today. The diversity of our nation is what’s made...
Kristin's picture
Chlorpyrifos (pronounced “klor-PEER-a-foss”) is a commonly used pesticide that damages the developing brains of children. Significant science shows that exposures to low levels of chlorpyrifos early in life can lead to increased risk of learning disabilities including reductions in IQ,...
Miriam Rotkin-Ellman's picture
