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Americans are expected to spend nearly $16 billion this year on Mother’s Day celebrations. It’s an impressive outpouring of appreciation – and it’s also an aberration. The other 364 days of the year, American mothers are on their own, with profound consequences for public health. As an obstetrician...
Seems strange to talk about cervical cancer on Mother’s Day? Well, imagine this. You’re 26 years old and you’re diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer. You think you’ve beaten it, but two short years later your cancer returns and you have to have a radical hysterectomy – along with painful...
Ever secretly imagined your name being celebrated on the front page of a newspaper as "Mom of the Year" as you click through online news sites while munching on a yummy snack? Your finger poised over the mouse, about to click the next new story, and you realize: Hey, I know that person! It's me!...
Kristin's picture
The reports keep coming in about swine flu. Schools, child care centers, workplaces, and it seems like just about everyone has a plan for dealing with outbreak --you've probably received memos about it too. And everyone has the same advice for preventing the spread of Swine Flu: if you or anyone in your family has symptoms, stay home.
Katie Bethell's picture
Maria Shriver announced that we now live in what she calls “A Woman’s Nation.” She wrote on the Huffington Post last week :
Morra Aarons-Mele's picture
Ruth Schubert, Children's Alliance The stress of a newborn baby can be difficult for any family. Poverty, youth, depression or isolation can make that stress overwhelming.
Click here to read the whole post from Your (Wo)man in Washington. In order to make what the average man made in 2008, the average woman has to work all of that year, and through today, April 28, in 2009. Equal Pay Day signifies that 23% gap between men's and women's wages, assuming both work year round and full time.
Valerie Young's picture
What's $1.00 minus .78 cents? It's the difference between your salary and the salary of your male counterparts. If you're a woman of color, you can subtract at least an additional 10 cents, and for single mothers you can take away even more.[1] That's right: Just sixty cents to a man's dollar. Seem fair?
Tomorrow, Equal Pay Day, marks the day in 2009 when the average woman’s wages will finally catch up with those paid to the average man in 2008. The day serves as an important reminder of the persistent wage gap and the urgent need to take action to ensure that women can receive equal pay for equal work.
The news over the weekend was scary -- outbreaks of a potentially pandemic flu virus, called the "swine flu" are being reported all over the world, including in the U.S. As of this morning there have been only 20 confirmed cases of swine flu in the U.S., and none of them have been fatal.
Katie Bethell's picture
