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Last week, thanks to the pressure that the Biden/Harris administration and congressional Democrats have been applying, the largest manufacturer of insulin in the United States, Eli Lilly, made a terrific announcement: They are capping patient costs for their insulin at $35 per month! [1] This...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Today is Equal Pay Day for women across the country. We use this day to highlight the persistent pay gap by marking how far into the year women of all races and ethnicities combined, on average, must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. [1] This is NOT okay, Today is NOT a celebration...
Taylor Austin's picture
We need some MOMentum across New York State to remind lawmakers in Albany that NY families need BIG investments in child care so that working parents can work and child care providers can earn family sustaining wages. Last year, we asked Gov. Hochul to invest $5 Billion (yes, with a B!) in child...
Diana Limongi's picture
Limited time to speak up and protect asylum! Help us stop the asylum ban! The Biden Administration is taking public comments until March 27th on its plan to resurrect a Trump-era asylum ban. We have a very limited window to submit those comments, that’s why we need you to sign our petition NOW!...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Two children and two adults playing with toys in a box
Have you heard the great news?! Senate Bill 5225 passed in the Washington State Senate with a strong bipartisan vote. We’ve gotten this far because of the advocacy of families and MomsRising members like you - thank you! Join us in thanking our Senators for standing up for families and providers by...
Mandy Kwan's picture
This article originally appeared on the Center for Child and Families website and is shared here with the express consent of the organization. Written by: Maggie Clark The pandemic’s continuous coverage protection had a profound effect on health coverage for pregnant women and new mothers, who for...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
One of the strongest tools our nation has in combating hunger is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Unfortunately, this vital program is under attack by some Republicans in Congress, threatening the food security of millions of families. We need you to join us in speaking out...
Hanna's picture
Have you heard the great news?! Senate Bill 5225 passed in the Washington State Senate with a strong bipartisan vote. We’ve gotten this far because of the advocacy of families and MomsRising members like you - thank you! Join us in thanking our Senators for standing up for families and providers by...
Reshonna Booker-Reynolds's picture
If you are pregnant or pumping at work new legislation signed into law at the end of last year offers you new legal protections! Gone are the days of choosing between a healthy pregnancy and a paycheck. No more pumping in storage closets or the bathroom. Pregnant, breastfeeding, and lactating workers are no longer forced to make these impossible decisions thanks to the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act (“PUMP Act”).
Tina Sherman's picture
Take Action
Tell Congress: no cuts to Medicaid, CHIP, and the ACA!
Everyone should be able to see a doctor when they get sick. Everyone. After President Biden called out Republicans during the State of the Union about proposing to cut Medicare and Social Security , Republicans relented and agreed not to cut those programs. But now Republican leaders are setting...
Felicia Burnett's picture
