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The rich are doing just fine. An article in last Thursday's New York Times noted that sales of luxury goods are recovering strongly. The age of conspicuous consumption is returning so powerfully that high-end retailers are actually marking up prices on luxury goods. The article quoted one...
Hannah Matthews's picture
BlogHer 2011 was a coming out party for Latina Bloggers, who had many opportunities to meet one another informally or at the Kmart-sponsored Social Fiesta on Saturday night. I was fortunate to go to the Social Fiesta and two other dinners sponsored by Latina bloggers, including myself. On Friday...
Elisa Batista's picture
For most parents, a trip to the pharmacy shopping for baby products is a routine experience. And while we make choices on which products to buy for any number of reasons, we would never imagine any one of these products could be unsafe. We have faith that baby products are safe for our kids because...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
Today, moms and kids across the country are putting on super hero capes and coming together for a national day of action to ask our Senators to be superheros for kids and support comprehensive chemicals reform! Toxic chemicals found in everyday items such as canned goods, plastic wrappers, cookware...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
This Wednesday, moms and kids across the country will come together for a National Day of Action to ask our Senators to be superheroes for kids by supporting comprehensive chemicals reform. There will be events in several states where kids will be dressing up in red superhero capes. It’s going to...
Natasha's picture
Making a cape for your little superhero at home is easier than you think! Using felt and grosgrain ribbon, I fashioned a cape for one of my little helpers so that she could fly around my house and use her super powers to help save the day! Here's How: Materials Needed: 4 Felt Squares (approx 8.5...
Caroline Urdaneta's picture
Superhero Capes Round-Up contrasting lining and applique; includes pattern The Long Thread made from fleece, easy with minimal sewing Diary of a Quilter made from a t-shirt with minimal sewing Acire Adventures uses 1 yard of fabric and machine sewn Yours 'til Niagara Falls uses a serger and 1 yard...
Get crafty!
I made this cape from one color of fabric, but you could easily get two different colors (1 yard of each) for a double sided cape!
Lara's picture
When it comes to college shopping, it’s good to make solid, non-toxic choices at the beginning so that you don’t have to invest money every year in replacing items . Toxic confession: I had the same plates all four years of school. They were plastic. Why didn't I replace them? Spare cash was rare,...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Early in my pregnancy I developed a bloodhound’s sense of smell: even the faintest of odors overwhelmed me. It’s a common phenomenon during the first trimester of pregnancy, yet my new nasal superpower took me by surprise—and forced me into an unwelcome awareness of the pollution that surrounds all...
