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Here's my most important advice should you see this film: Bring Kleenex. So I like a good tearjerker as much as the next gal, but I really thought my sobbing-at-the-movies days were far behind me. After all, I'm no longer a melodramatic teenager...I'm a grown-ass woman! But when a movie revolves...
People For has been documenting the dangerous and divisive Right Wing rhetoric surrounding immigration reform….rhetoric that has led to, among other things, Arizona’s new civil liberties-smashing anti-immigrant law. But, despite the overwhelmingly cynical national dialogue on immigration reform,...
The harshest enforcement bill in the country against undocumented immigrants recently passed the Arizona state legislature and was signed into law by Governor Janet Brewer. This law requires law enforcement officials in Arizona to investigate someone’s immigration status if there is “reasonable...
Back on February 27, 2006, the day after my 29th birthday when I was a fairly new and sleep-deprived mother, I came across an article in Salon that made me shudder. It was a book review -- a true story -- about an Honduran boy who made multiple, and often unsuccessful trips, to find his mother in...
Elisa Batista's picture
Co-authored by Elisa Batista. The conversation is everywhere -- Arizona has a new immigration law that requires police officers to detain anyone who "looks like" an illegal immigrant and fails to produce proof of American citizenship. And legislators in seven other states are now debating similar...
Mary O's picture
Greetings! The last time I was here blogging at MomsRising I was pushing for a nationwide breastfeeding law to give nursing moms reasonable break time and privacy at work to pump breast milk. I am proud to say that nursing moms now have new breastfeeding protections in place to make life easier for...
Senator Jeff Merkley's picture
The economy continues to teeter between recession and recovery, and we are being asked to do more with less both at work and in the rest of our lives. As a result, the challenge of how to manage it all remains front and center for many, including mothers. In our quest for big answers, sometimes we...
Yes we can” was Obama’s great rallying cry – what happens when we girlfriends adopt it as our own? Marathoners Paula Radcliffe and Kara Goucher just reminded me. The New York Times tells how Goucher went to Radcliffe for advice – how to compete at the top while pregnant. Since Radcliffe herself was...
Sharon Meers's picture
As the massive oil slicks from the BP Gulf spill advance upon shores and communities, everyone is worried about the effect on wildlife and the natural environment, but strangely silent about another unavoidable danger. Substantial harm to the children of the Gulf Coast is now unavoidable. If you...
Parents reading this blog are likely to care about their kids' caring about the world. This can get tricky, though. We don't want to scare them, overburden them, or turn them off. I was so happy with the way writer Heidi Stevens conveyed some important points on this topic - I thought it was worth...
Homa Tavangar's picture
