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Child obesity is a crisis in this country. Over the last 30 years, child obesity rates have reached historic highs - more than tripling from just 5 percent to nearly 18 percent today. We must make improving child nutrition a top priority. If we fail to get serious about this issue today, we will...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
My son has a rare bone disease. I watch him suffer with bone pain – it really does get worse when it rains. He uses a wheelchair and walker. I would do absolutely anything for him to make it better – thing is though – the system is so broken there is not much that I can actually do for him. He is...
The media is our society’s muse. It attends to our collective consciousness. Whether we watch it or not, like it or not, it propels (or limits) our collective imagination. So when our society is bombarded with images of madonnas and primadonnas, princesses and whores, these images worm their way into our understanding of what a woman is.
Katrina Alcorn's picture
Today, moms met on the steps of CA's Capitol in Sacramento with funny glasses and an important message from CA MomsRising members: "Cutting vision benefits for kids is short-sighted policy! Our leaders need glasses!" You don't have to go to Sacramento to make a difference! From the comfort of your...
It's clear: Our economy is no bed of roses right now. Over 45 percent of people looking for jobs have been without work for over 6 months, the highest percentage in more than six decades.[1] Home repossessions this year are up 27 percent compared to the first four months of last year.[2] And though...
Donna's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ New data from the Pew Research Center reveal some surprising changes in the decisions women make about marriage and family. Over the past 20 years, non-Hispanic white women had fewer...
Valerie Young's picture
What’s stinkier than a poopy diaper, bigger than a pile of laundry, deeper than a sink full of dirty dishes? It’s the Illinois budget mess and it’s growing by the minute. In fact, the fiscal woes we’re facing here in the Land of Lincoln are said to be among the worst in the nation. But, what’s even...
Heartland moms are participating in the Showdown on K Street on May 16 & 17! This is a story of a a fellow mother, woman and female consumer who will make the trip to Washington DC with me to tell Congress to support sound financial policies that work for the people not against them. You can...
by Marcia Greenberger , Co-President, National Women's Law Center This week, President Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the U.S Supreme Court. As we prepare for the Senate hearing on the nomination of this exceptionally qualified candidate, it is important to ask ourselves what...
Thao Nguyen's picture
"As a working mom, I know how easy it is to put our own health on the back burner behind work, family, or school."
Linda T. Sanchez's picture
