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A woman I know named Marie is a mother and grandmother with a very large extended family that depends on her. She first walked through the door of a payday loan shop for a little extra money to help her children and grandchildren just last year. Not too long after, she found herself with five...
The other day, my husband apologized profusely for being unable to take the kids to swim class. "I can do it twice next week," he offered. I assured him it wasn't necessary, that it all evens out at the end...wait a minute. As you all know, driving the kids around to various activities is, in...
Elisa Batista's picture
Women's power has hit a new high - or a new low, depending on your view of global politics. Recently, a conservative Iranian cleric pronounced that women's immodest clothing choices spur adultery and therefore increase the risk of devastating earthquakes. I didn't pay much attention to this...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Some things are wrong. Some things are heinous. And then there is Wellpoint. Yesterday, Reuters released an article about Wellpoint’s profit making practice of targeting women with breast cancer. Reducing the lives and well-being of women to a math problem, one of the insurance companies with the...
Thao Nguyen's picture
Happy Earth Day all! Speaking of which, this info is just in from Denis Hayes, the international chair of Earth Day 2010 (and national coordinator for the very first Earth Day in 1970). Sounds like a great event...with terrific music ~Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner by Denis Hayes Earth Day Network is...
My kindergartener went to school today with an empty 2-liter bottle. The plan? Quite frankly, it's a mystery to me, but I know it involves celebrating Earth Day, so I was happy to do my part by digging through the recycling bin for the perfect contribution. She, like millions of kids across the...
Ariana Kelly's picture
I love black beans generally and black bean soup in particular. Filling and inexpensive, beans are high in dietary fiber, low in unhealthful fats, and hospitable to garlic, onion, red pepper, and spices. If you were having lunch at a restaurant, black bean soup could be the healthiest thing on the...
Mike Jacobson's picture
For those amazing eco-moms out there, this week may be quite busy. Thursday is Earth Day and there are thousands of events being held nationwide to honor our planet - be they stream cleanups, advocacy days, or just working in the home garden with their kids. Here at the Sierra Club , we know a good...
When I was young, I volunteered for various organizations and I participated in an academic extracurricular group known as the Future Problem Solvers of America, but that was the extent of my adolescent efforts at having a positive impact on the world. I don’t think I had ever heard of anyone young...
I have heard our school lunches called a lot of things, but never an actual security risk. That's what a group of retired military officers called it since many children today are too overweight to serve in the armed forces. From the Associated Press : "A new report being released Tuesday says more...
Elisa Batista's picture
