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At the inaugural White House Forum on Workplace Flexibility yesterday President Obama stressed the profound disconnect between the needs of our families and the demands of our workplaces. As a whole our culture sees flexibility as a special perk for women rather than as a critical part of a...
Morra Aarons-Mele's picture
With the entire nation buzzing over President Obama's historic health care victory, many Americans are trying to understand how this new law will affect their everyday lives. For some of our nation's most vulnerable children with special health care needs, President Obama has announced that,...
Bruce Lesley's picture
By now I hope you’ve seen the first two episodes of my new show on ABC, Jamie Ol iver’s Food Revolution. If you’ ve seen it, I hope yo u ’ve realized that this revolution isn’t about me . It’s about you—moms (parents, really) who care about their children—who care about giving them the best...
Jamie Oliver's picture
Meet my Uncle Peter. He's a really cool guy who happens to be an employee rights lawyer in New York and has talked with more than a thousand women and men about their work lives over the course of his career. He has a theory about why conditions are so difficult for working moms.
Katrina Alcorn's picture
"Many folks don't have access to any kind of family leave policies whatsoever, no flexible working arrangements, many people don't even have a paid sick day. So they are struggling…scrambling to make things work…As we all know, here today, it just doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be...
In a turn of events not even Nostradamus could foresee, Cal Dooley, President and CEO of the American Chemistry Council (ACC), today announced that the millions of dollars the industry trade group has been using to lobby against policies that protect public health will now be used instead to...
As someone who has worked with for years to accomplish the goal of securing healthcare for all American kids, I am cheering the news that we have taken a step closer toward achieving health care for all. I could write as a Mom and share plenty of emotional stories, such as going to...
Confused about healthcare reform and what it means for you? You're not alone! We've received a lot of questions about how women and children will be impacted by the recent passage of healthcare reform. So, with the assistance of our brilliant policy partners, we put together a handy-dandy list of key components for children and families in healthcare reform that will be implemented over the next few years.
Parental leave with pay when a child is born or adopted is an important support for working families, yet most US private sector workers do not have this benefit. Human Rights Watch ( ), a nongovernmental human rights group, is interviewing parents in the US about their experiences with...
Janet Walsh's picture
by Kelli Garcia , Fellow, National Women's Law Center When I was breastfeeding my daughter, I was lucky enough to have a comfortable private space at work to express breast milk and supervisors who understood the necessity of taking breaks. Now, thanks to the recently passed health care reform bill...
Thao Nguyen's picture
