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It turns out that making noise at the US Capitol in support of healthcare is a lot more fun when you bring your little ones to help. On Monday, a group of DC-area MomsRising members, their kids and I headed to the Capitol to speak up for healthcare reform. We were behind the microphone with Speaker...
Donna's picture
After reading bad news about the recession and the crisis of health coverage for months, it’s pretty difficult to shock me. But today’s report about the dramatic spike in the number of uninsured in California over the last two years is truly shocking. A report released this morning by UCLA’s Center...
Ashley Boyd's picture
People want options to work flexible schedules and remotely from home. Other ways to make the workplace more compatible with today's workers' lives include results-only work environments, taking infants to work, redesigning career, tracks, and opting for contract work.
Nanette Fondas's picture
Becoming a parent means there are new demands on our time and for many of us, we feel strangely disloyal to our jobs after we have kids. And yet, many of us become better employees. So why do mothers make only 68% of what men earn? And forgetting about the disgraceful pay inequity for a moment, why is it that we feel so horribly guilty when we skulk out of the office at 4:30 to pick up our kids from daycare? Could these two things (guilt and pay inequity) be related?
Katrina Alcorn's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Would you believe me if I told you that a major snowstorm affects the lives of men and women differently? Could I convince you that there is a gender difference, even in the weather? Let me...
Valerie Young's picture
I love Michelle Obama's new initiative Apps for Healthy Kids ! What a great savvy way to approach the obesity epidemic in kids. I love the whole go to the people project....except for one rather glaring glitch, the esteemed 9 expert judge panel is 85% men. Just one woman on the team. Now if I was...
joan's picture
The European Union Commission has proposed a new directive, to be voted on in March, that would make maternity leave compulsory for the first six weeks after a woman gives birth. You read that correctly -- compulsory. As in, women would be forced to stay home, regardless of their own wishes, if...
...At some point, of course, I realized I wasn’t happy. I was trapped. I had money, but not time. It was like being surrounded by food, and dying of thirst. It turns out that there is a way out of this mess. There are people all over this country–both women and men–who have made a conscious decision to value their time more than their money. Against the formidable current of popular culture, they have decided that this may be the only life they will ever have, and they’re going to live it fully.
Katrina Alcorn's picture
About the Campaign: We're thrilled to be working on Paid Family Leave with MomsRising members and our partners in Oregon. On April 8, 2009, we had an awesome kick off at the Capitol to introduce the Paid Family Leave bill. The event included a press conference featuring Sandwich Mom (a mom in wacky...
Katie Bethell's picture
When Ashley's son started going to child care, he started bringing home more than macaroni art and cute little scribble pictures. He also brought home colds, the flu, pink eye, and a weird unidentifiable rash -- all things that meant Ashley needed to miss work to care for him. "I didn't realize...
