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My colleague, office neighbor, and friend Caroline Cox is a renowned environmental health activist and an unassailable exponent of scientific integrity. She knows our field. Since Caroline is out of town, I’m writing to share with MomsRising readers something she has called “really important.” Less...
The White House Forum on Workplace Flexibility has generated an energetic buzz in work family advocacy circles across the nation. As a longtime advocate for family friendly workplaces, I am thrilled by First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama's keen interest and commitment to build and...
I’m Linda Blount, mother of two and National Vice President of Health Disparities for the American Cancer Society. Health equity is my passion. We live in a country that spends more on healthcare than any other country. Yet, despite the $2 trillion spent on healthcare last year, there are many...
What do a bunch of moms, parents, advocates, and a 20 foot tall rubber ducky have in common? All of them were outside of the annual chemicals industry convention in Baltimore last week, letting the industry know that “You Can’t Duck Real Reform!” And they weren’t the only ones speaking out for...
Ariana Kelly's picture
Last Wednesday I went to a half-day forum on workplace flexibility at the White House. This idea is a big deal, adjusting the structure of work to accommodate the true needs of workers and their families. And it would be a boost for our economy. The forum opened with the First Lady telling us that...
joan's picture
White guy, white guy, white guy, white guy, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Kathleen Sebelius, white guy, white guy, white guy who looks like he just ate a sour pickle. That's my one line description of the health care summit the president called when pulling out all the stops to try, in the spirit...
PunditMom's picture
Since breastfeeding is a hot-button issue around these parts, I thought I would share with you the latest study to appear in the Journal of Pediatrics. Basically, it just put a number and dollar amount on the lives that would be saved if 90 percent of mothers in the United States breastfed their...
Elisa Batista's picture
You might be wondering what safety has to do with Open-Flexible work. How about the safety of your children? I personally realized this safety issue when I picked up my daughter’s friend for a scheduled play date. My daughter’s friend went home directly after school since her mother could not...
Re-posted from Working Mother Magazine's Blog (see link at bottom) National Pay Equity Day will be held on April 20, 2010. While paid sick days are important for all workers, this benefit is even more important to working women and working mothers who typically are the main caregivers of their...
Michelle Noehren's picture
I breathe a sigh of relief today as my children return to school from Spring Break and our routines resume. Before the hectic pace kicks in, though, it’s worth considering the confluence of events that just took place. President Obama’s weekly address to the nation recognized this – “to call on people of all faiths and nonbelievers to remember our shared spirit of humanity.
Homa Tavangar's picture
