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By Jennifer Lockwood-Shabat and Ruby Bright Mother’s Day 2010 is already a distant memory – the flowers wilting, the chocolates happily devoured. It’s back to the old routines for most of us moms. And while an occasional breakfast in bed in a nice treat, having the means to provide our children...
If someone were to ask you, “What’s that lovely fragrance you’re wearin g? ” would you sa y , “ Oh, that’s hormone disruptors, allergens and chemicals that have never been assessed for safety . It’ s my signature scent. ” Of course you wouldn’t. But th ere is a good chance that reply would be...
I can't think of a better way to say this. I had a truly crappy Mother's Day this year. I think Anna Jarvis would understand. Inspired by her own mother's life, she started a campaign in 1907 to recognize mothers for their contribution to society. She was successful in making Mother's Day a...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Mother's Day became my favorite holiday exactly 14 years ago—the first one I observed as a mother in my own right. It followed on the heels of my realization that no amount of education,...
Valerie Young's picture
"A balanced life is often ridiculed as impossible--a goal that many have abandoned because it makes us mere mortals feel bad when we can't achieve it." This is the opening line from chapter 3 in our book, Equally Shared Parenting . It is an acknowledgement to the common media perspective that the...
Yesterday, moms across the country awoke to hugs, brunch, and fabulous kid-made art projects. But did they receive their Mother of the Decade award? We've got one lined up just for the special mom in your life, just in case she didn't see it yesterday: It's still free and...
Anita's picture
Government is here to do the things we can’t do for ourselves, like provide resources and mechanisms to clean up a gigantic oil spill or maintain traffic lights. In order to continue to flourish as a functional society, we need to prevent economic and environmental disasters from occurring in the first place and not simply continue to spend resources and money mitigating the impacts of their aftermath.
Renee Blanchard's picture
In our natural instinct to protect our children, we sometimes (often?) get waylaid by products that end up doing more harm than good, but make a nice profit for the manufacturer. A chemical called triclosan is a case in point. It’s supposed to vanquish “germs,” that is, bacteria or microbes. You’ll...
Yesterday, I got a message at work from my third child's nursery school: "Your son is making play weapons at school - light sabers, swords and shields. These are not appropriate for nursery school play. Please work with him to understand that these are not ok toys." This is my third child, and...
Sharon Meers's picture
Coffee. Good or bad, the Mother's Day theme this year seems to be coffee. Yesterday, I asked my eleven-year-old daughter what she thought moms needed for Mother's Day. She replied, "Moms need two things: 1-Coffee, and, 2-A day for themselves." I couldn't help but ask, "Why coffee?" Her answer: "...
Kristin's picture
