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California MomsRising members have been keeping an eye on the budget. That's why we dropped by the Capitol on May 19th to deliver member messages attached to funny glasses and a letter urging our legislators to fight against proposed cuts to kids' health programs, including the possible elimination of vision benefits from the Healthy Families Program. We also met with CA Senator Gloria Romero, Chair of the Senate Education Committee, to talk with her about our work.
Advocates for low-income California immigrants exhaled a temporary sigh of relief as both Assembly and Senate Budget Committees voted to reject the Governor’s short-sighted and damaging proposals to eliminate safety net programs for legal immigrants. Over the past several weeks, Budget Committee...
Working mothers are not crackheads. Having children is not just another lifestyle choice. If we want to keep this little human experiment going, then we need a sizable chunk of the population to keep having children.
Katrina Alcorn's picture
Ri t a Cote tried to do the right thing and ended up in jail because of it. In February 2009, local police arrived at her home in Tavares, Florida in response to a domestic violence call. Rita’s sister Sonia had called the police, alleging that she’d been assaulted by her boyfriend. Rita wanted to...
By Victoria L ó pez, Immigrants Rights Advocate, ACLU of Arizona On Saturday tens of thousands of people from all over the country gathered in Phoenix to voice their opposition to S.B. 1070 . On the local news later that evening, a mom who participated in the march pushing a stroller with one of...
ACLU's picture
As the sheriff’s truck followed our van several blocks through Phoenix, I kept thinking what the sight of that vehicle would mean for Silvia or Esperanza or Alejandra or the other women we’d met: Visions of being yanked out of the van and ordered to produce papers. Picturing kids arriving to an...
Ellen Bravo's picture
The laws governing the food - safety functions of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have not been substantially updated in more than 70 years , but congressional lawmakers will hopefully soon change that fact. The U.S. Senate is expected to vote soon on t he FDA Food Safety Modernization...
There is a very smart new Member of Congress from California who gets it. Congresswoman Judy Chu is tired of jumping on rickety legislative bandwagons of blame and shame and name the bad guys and all will be magically right with all of our schools. She’s an educator. So she knows it’s complicated...
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Here is yet another story I just spotted for the MomsRising blog carnival. Daisy Cuevas, the 7-year-old girl who got to ask First Lady Michelle Obama a question, has become a symbol for undocumented immigrants in the country. Here is the Associated Press story about it. Cuevas, who attends an...
Elisa Batista's picture
In addition to the obvious racist and xenophobic implications of the new Arizona immigration law , in addition to the obvious concerns that this unlawful law targets residents based on the hue of their skin and the language on their lips, there is something else that troubles us. SB 1070 is an...
Linda Meric's picture
