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Moms’ health matters because their family depends on them. That’s the overwhelming sentiment received from our Facebook and Twitter followers. At text4baby, we understand that moms are busy, and pregnant women and new moms may not have time to read everything there is about this important period in...
Sarah Ingersoll's picture
Dr. Tom Preston, a Compassion & Choices leader in Seattle, chose these poignant words for the title of his new book . They are powerful words, gripping even on paper. Imagine them emerging from the lips of a patient, perhaps one whom the doctor has treated over decades, who is now dying of...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
Join MomsRising, for our first ever Google Hangout on Air via YouTube this Friday, 5/17/13! We will be joined by special guests, @MyBrownBaby and @DubyaWife to talk about their personal experiences with balancing being a Mom and the challenges of creating and maintaining regular healthy habits...
Angelique Roche's picture
Today I’m writing for Momsrising in support of National Women’s Healthcare Week . Why do women need their own healthcare week you might ask? Head shaking—because if mom gets sick who will remember that you only like your macaroni and cheese with rotini pasta? Or that the reason you refuse to wear...
Stephanie Lormand's picture
Stacy Cook at Senate hearing in April More than 3 years after Congress enacted the Affordable Care Act, both the House and Senate are still holding hearings on the law, covering everything from how the Administration is working to implement the law to what it will mean for our health insurance...
Say Ahhh's picture
In celebration of National Women's Health Week, the MomsRising team is playing Healthy Moms BINGO. Today the MomsRising Team decided to cross off our Dance Break BINGO box together! To find out more about Health Moms BINGO Visit:
Angelique Roche's picture
I like deals as much as the next mom, but a coupon for AK-47s, rifles and pistols and also 10 cocktails? Ridiculous, but true! LivingSocial, offers this coupon while telling customers to, “Take a break from the urban insanity—and blow off some steam while you’re at it—with this fully loaded...
Gloria Pan's picture
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, has kicked up all sorts of controversy with her argument that career women can be their own worst enemy and should “lean in” more to their jobs and their ambitions. But the biggest, largely unspoken problem is not that she is elitist, or placing...
Dina Bakst's picture
By Liz Watson and Cortelyou Kenney , National Women's Law Center Cross-Posted from NWLC's blog Amanda Roller was a call center employee in Kansas. After Amanda became pregnant she started experiencing morning sickness. Amanda’s supervisor repeatedly refused her requests to go the bathroom and...
Liz Watson's picture
Popular culture and the fitness industry have distilled physical fitness down to two very superficial motivations: achieving a desired physique aesthetic, and burning calories. For many people, these motivations are enough to get them into the gym, but there are many, many people out there who aren...
Amber Rogers's picture
