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Whatever our background, color, or zip code, in America we value our freedom: the freedom to have a say in our elections, to have our voices heard, and to have our votes counted! Our nation is better and stronger when each and every person is engaged in the future of our country through voting. And right now is a critical time for our democracy.
Felicia Burnett's picture
Woman jumping in the air holding a megaphone, a box next to her reads "take action"
Are you eager to be a more powerful and effective advocate for parents and families in Allegheny County? Eager to learn more about the challenges facing working families, and how to engage your community, legislators, and even the media? We've got you covered! MomsRising is launching a new...
MomsRising's picture
Mother cradling a boys head with text that reads "Omicron is raging across the country Congress give families a lifeline and Build Back Better Now!
Like many others, my 2022 is off to a rocky start. I am writing this as I scramble to find a COVID-19 test appointment for my feverish two-year-old and my son is home with his school closed. I know I am far from alone. Families need a lifeline, but just when we need help the most, the U.S. Senate failed to act before the new year to extend the monthly Child Tax Credit payments and pass key policies like paid family and medical leave and child care that would have helped families, businesses, and our economy weather this COVID-19 surge.
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Pregnant Person Getting a Shot
“Please don’t let me die. Please save my baby.” She was gasping between labored breaths on the operating room table, squeezing my hand, and begging me to save her life as we prepared to emergently intubate and deliver her. She had COVID-19.
SMFM's picture
Take Action
Sen Manchin's announcement that he will not support the current version of the Build Back Better Act is a stinging, heartbreaking, disappointment to families in his state. Join us in urging him to come back to the negotiating table.
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We Are MomsRising
pink background with blue question mark
"It has been right back to the juggling act that I felt before the pandemic." - Jennifer Simpkins
Kerri Karvetski's picture
By sharing our stories, we help lawmakers who have the power to make the changes we need understand what we’re facing each and every day; we also let people with similar experiences know they’re not alone (which builds a powerful movement!); and we shift the media narrative to build pressure for change.
MomsRising's picture
Every provision of the Build Back Better agenda is supported by at least two in three Americans. This is why it's important to spread the word far and wide about what is in this proposed legislation and what it would mean for families.
Felicia Burnett's picture
State Moms Force
I share with my kids frequently about the benefits of gratitude and remind them that when you share with a friend (or a sibling!) that their actions had a positive impact, they’re more likely to repeat the action. The same is true for advocacy!
MomsRising's picture
More than 2,000 moms and family members across the country have already signed up to do this action, and we are extending the deadline to December 24 timed to the state of play in Congress. Our wave of sticky notes from moms, caregivers, and family members on Senate office doors across the country needs to keep growing over the next critical week to help keep this legislation moving!
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