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Black and white image of the back of child and people walking by next to a sign that reads "Women Demand Day Care"
Did you know that we could have had a fair and just universal child care system 50 years ago? That’s right (and infuriating!). It was 50 years ago today when Republican President Richard Nixon vetoed the Comprehensive Child Development Act, a bill that would have implemented a multibillion-dollar...
MomsRising's picture
We Are MomsRising
Woman standing next to person dressed as the Build Back Better Bill
The monthly Child Tax Credit payments have been a huge relief. We’ve finally been able to get out of the vicious cycle of struggling to choose between food, medicine and bills. I was even able to buy a used vehicle so we could access resources and I could look for jobs.
Mary Beth Cochran's picture
If it hadn’t been for former Republican President Richard Nixon, families like ours likely wouldn’t be struggling to afford and find child care. Full stop. December 10th is the 50th anniversary of Nixon's veto on Universal Child Care, also known as the Comprehensive Child Development Act of 1971, that would have implemented a multibillion-dollar national child care system that passed both houses of Congress with bipartisan majorities.
Nina Perez's picture
State Moms Force
Mom on computer with daughter
How are you and your family doing? Join our online meeting for Arizona moms and caregivers to uncover shared experiences and support each other. What is on your mind these days, or what is keeping you up at night? What challenges are you facing as a mom, a daughter, a member of your community?
MomsRising's picture
Elderly woman in a wheelchair wagging her finger with the text "Everyone Deserves Care Grandmas Unite"
Grandmothers have been stepping up in a big way to fill in gaps in care for grandkids and other members of the family during the pandemic. They know first hand how the policies in the Build Back Better Act will help their families, businesses, and the economy. That’s why, this Thursday, December 9, at 12 noon, grandmothers will be heading to the U.S. Capitol to take the lead in urging Congress to vote YES on the Build Back Better Act.
MomsRising's picture
On the radio show this week we cover capturing the moment to Build Back Better via Congress, including the need to finally pass a national paid family/medical leave policy; we hear about what’s at stake in the U.S. Supreme Court with Roe v. Wade under fire and how you can help protect reproductive...
MomsRising's picture
Senators and their staff monitor what their constituents care about by tracking letters to the editor in local newspapers. Your letter can be an important indicator of what your community thinks about immigrants and the need for protections. It’s easy!
MomsRising's picture
We Are MomsRising
Photo credit Hello I'm Nik
"Like the vast majority of workers in West Virginia and the United States, I don’t have access to paid family and medical leave. As a result, over and over again I’ve had to choose between my paycheck and caring for my loved ones when they needed me most." - Tracy Wood
Kerri Karvetski's picture
MomsRising Post-It Action to Pass Build Back Better
It’s hard to believe that 2021 is almost coming to a close. But, we have more work to do before 2022!! It’s time to let the Senate know that they need to pass the Build Back Better Act without delay! And...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Take Action
Woman sitting at a table with a child playing wit a building toy.
We need paid family/medical leave in the Build Back Better Act. There are only 6 days left in the Congressional calendar before the Senate leaves town for the year. They must get this done now.
MomsRising's picture
