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Maternal Immunization
Navigating the vast world of advice offered to pregnant individuals can be daunting, but there is at least one thing experts agree on: making sure you get the vaccines recommended during the course of pregnancy, including the COVID-19 vaccine, is one of the best ways pregnant people can help...
SMFM's picture
It’s time to get back to work! In the year ahead, MomsRising will continue the fight to build a Care Economy, fight for justice and safety for all, turn out record numbers of mom voters for the November midterm elections, and so much more – all while staring down the ongoing pandemic. Yes, it’s a...
Gloria Pan's picture
The Zero Tolerance policy enacted by the Trump administration that created family separation is a stain on our nation’s history. Using children as ploys in the name of immigration enforcement is not only illegal, but incredibly immoral, inhumane, and damaging to those families impacted by this...
Donna's picture
On the radio show this week, we cover the ways in which our democracy is under attack and how we can fight back; as well as the latest with the pandemic, childcare and schools closing, and legislation to lift us all (Did someone say Build Back Better Act?); and we also cover how we can elect the...
MomsRising's picture
photo of a page on a typewriter with the word opinion
On Jan. 6, 2022, Ms. Magazine published an opinion piece that I co-wrote with MomsRising partner, Women’s Economic Justice Director and The Century Foundation Senior Fellow Julie Kashen: The U.S. Is in Urgent Need of Childcare Solutions. Build Back Better Would Be a Game-Changer In the opinion, we...
Nina Perez's picture
Adult hand holding a baby's hand
Right now, the United States is the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world, with major racial disparities with Black women losing their lives at 3 to 4 times more than the rate of white women due to maternity-related causes, independent of age, economic background, or education. This is a fact that has not changed for several decades.
Tina Sherman's picture
I’m a mom from Queens, NY. I’ve always relied on child care to take care of my children while I worked outside the home. I know all too well how expensive child care is, and how many parents are left with few options that are affordable and in their communities. I was one of the unfortunate parents...
Diana Limongi's picture
Sign on to the Women's Health Protection Act
It’s the first #5Actions of 2022: Last year, despite being in the middle of a pandemic, we did some amazing things together. You took over 1,400,000 actions, made 60,000+ phone calls, submitted over 4,000 letters to the editor, and so much more. Now, in 2022, there’s more work to be done to build...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Many of us had a pit in our stomach as we watched the arguments last month at the U.S. Supreme Court on the fate of Roe v. Wade. Those justices will decide whether millions of people will lose access to abortion and the reproductive care they need. It’s past time for lawmakers to act to protect our reproductive rights!
Diarra Diouf's picture
On the radio show this week, we cover what’s really going on with the Build Back Better Act right now, including the Child Tax Credit, paid family/medical leave, childcare, and pre-K. We also dive into the latest on women and the economy and cover the fight for voting rights. All through the show,...
MomsRising's picture
