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In June, the Breastfeeding Task Force of Greater Los Angeles sponsored a unique training event entitled, “ The Business Case for Breastfeeding ”. The focus was on understanding, applying, and learning Best Practices in lactation accommodation policies and programs. Lactation Accommodations is not...
Genevieve Colvin's picture
I'm trying to stop biting my nails. Why? Because it's universally viewed as a gross habit, even by me, the lifelong on-again, off-again nail biter. This reason has never worked for me when it comes to giving up this unfortunate, stress-induced and inducing habit. But one reason that is working for...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
This week's Time Magazine cover story, " Chore Wars ," is a wake-up call for those who think men and women are approaching parity, at home and in the workplace. After the huge steps made towards equality in the latter half of the 20th century, progress is stalling out. Of course, that's not how the...
Joan C. Williams's picture
While New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman recently described the Tea Party as an American Hezbollah, Islamic terrorists would not have much clout without their funders in Saudi Arabia and Iran. So, too, the Republican right would be impotent without its behind-the-scenes creators. A small...
Joan C. Williams's picture
I wish every Monday morning would start like today! This morning several members of the MomsRising team, including our VP Mary Olivella and I went to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to present John Trasviña, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity at the...
Ruth Martin's picture
The brave sweating educators and parents at the rally were protesting a growing cancer on education – the bulbous growth in standardized testing. The politicians on both sides of the aisle are out of control on this one.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Elizabeth Morris and her family bought their house in the High Point neighborhood for a reason. “High Point is the City of Seattle’s premier ‘Green Community,’ having been touted internationally as such, as well as [for] mixing Seattle Housing Authority [SHA] rental properties and private home...
Everyone wants their family to be healthy. And a key component of this is ensuring that mothers, daughters, and sisters have access to the preventive services they need. When it comes to health, women are often the sole decision maker for their families and the trusted source in circles of friends...
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's picture
National Latina Week of Action for Reproductive Rights is a week we have to bring awareness to the importanct of the immigrant voice in this movement. Gina Milan, a single mother of an amazing 11 year old has lived in Denver since 1998. She has been a strong advocate for immigrant rights and for...
Lorena Garcia's picture
The current default crisis reminds me of a never-ending game of Chutes and Ladders. Just when you are full of glee thinking that you're making progress, you fall precipitously down a chute to square one. It's national torture. And unfortunately, it's not a game. A default would have devastating...
Donna's picture
