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Last month, I joined with and launched the Rebuild the Dream campaign to help give a voice to the millions of Americans who aren’t being heard in Washington. This past weekend, we organized nearly 1,600 house meetings across the country — nearly double the number of protests the Tea...
Van Jones's picture
According to the Treasury Department, on August 2, 2011, the United States Federal Government will officially hit the nation’s debt ceiling. While much has been discussed about the impact of a potential agreement to raise the debt ceiling, very little has been said about what would happen to...
Jared Solomon's picture
The Obama administration is taking a fresh look at the housing crisis. This is welcome news to NCLR. We have been working for some time with our partners to deliver calls and petitions that challenge the White House and the Department of the Treasury to extend its relief beyond just investors to...
Janis Bowdler's picture
Late last week, I was mesmerized by the story of a mom who saved herself and her baby from a carjacking. After the ordeal, she remarked: “I’m not a hero. I’m just a mom. That’s all.” This story got me thinking-- we all would do anything, without even blinking, big or small, when it comes to the...
Sarah Francis's picture
I love gift guides. I love the holiday season when bloggers decide that they're gift mavens and publish lengthy lists of possible gifts for husbands, kids, pets, bank tellers, baristas, etc. Like window shopping in my pajamas, I like taking a long look at beautiful things that I will probably never...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Google +, Google’s new social network, was launched last month to much fanfare as an invitation-only service. According to early data, membership in the first few weeks was a much as 90% male. Now it’s more like a 75/25 split – better, but nowhere near parity. A popular meme earlier this week...
Joan C. Williams's picture
When you are struggling to keep the kids entertained during the summer, worrying about whether you actually remembered to take the sandwich out of the refrigerator and put it in your child's lunch box this morning, or engaging in a Worldwide Wrestling match to reapply sun screen on your child, the...
Kristin's picture
I'm the proud father of a 6-week old baby girl. As you can imagine, I've had my share of sleepless nights recently - but it's helped me realize how lucky I am. Annie, Aaron and baby Ruby Growing up, my dad worked full-time as an elementary school teacher, and my mom did part-time accounting work,...
Now that my youngest child is mobile, I'm learning that the best way to prevent conflict is to keep everyone busy. Bored kids = chaos! Washington should take heed. As members of Congress await a decision about the debt ceiling from their party leaders, we should urge them to use this time to do...
Ashley Boyd's picture
I’m a vegetarian. But my husband’s not. And – go figure – my kids aren’t either. Which is exactly why I care about the meat I buy. Yes, I buy meat. I’d rather not, but if it’s coming into the house – and into my kids’ bodies – then I need to know exactly what I’m buying. And I not only want to know...
Lisa Frack's picture
