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Today, Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA) and 72 members of Congress sent a letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson urging the EPA to finalize their long-delayed study on Dioxin once and for all. Read all about it in Rep. Markey's press release. EPA’s study on dioxin has been delayed for over 20 years due...
Mike Schade's picture
According to magazines and TV commercials, I will be spending the next three months in a swimsuit. To someone who has worked full time every summer since I was fourteen, and had the Bay Area pleasure of having a sultry summer day cap out around 65 degrees, I say hooray! (Although I’m still not sure...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
“Women will never make as much money as men…God made Adam first, and so women would always be second to men.” "If you would wear lower cut shirts...., you would probably get more pay.” [1] These are just two of many, many horribly sexist comments that Wal-Mart managers said to female employees...
Kristin's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ You probably know that GDP stands for gross domestic product and is used as a measure of the value of all goods and services produced in the national economy. Economists and elected...
Valerie Young's picture
A MomsRising member recently asked us: “ Is there a list of Bisphenol A (BPA)-free canned goods ?” It's a common question that comes from a common situation. After all, BPA is a toxic chemical that's been linked with cancer, learning disabilities, infertility, and more. So, like all of us, this...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
About 52 million Americans take care of a spouse, a child, a parent, or another loved one at some point over the course of the year. The Affordable Care Act has good news for these millions of informal caregivers: It includes several measures that will mean more support for them, as well as...
The big news of the day is the government shutdown. Although most of the focus is on what this means for the country and the political gamesmanship involved, the little guys often get lost in the shuffle. It's those people who often times pay the biggest price. Our national policy director, Terry...
Posted on behalf of Johnson Storage & Moving employee Barbara Collins. In 1986 my husband’s company ceased operations in Texas after 20 years and we decided that raising our preteen and teenager in Colorado was the best move for our family. Being 40 was a rough time to change careers but we both found the perfect fit. He works for a small Engineering firm and I joined the Johnson Storage & Moving company. For 18 years I worked in the office and envisioned this being the job I would retire from. Then in 2004 I was offered the opportunity to join the team that worked at home. I balked, as my manager can attest, thinking I was being put out to pasture. I had doubts about what I was doing and more so what I would be doing. Was this the way for them to test me and slowly ease me out? Then I got a call from another member of our team who had already transitioned to working at home and had suffered through many of the same fears. She told me what a difference it made for her and to her life and to be open minded and try it. This was the best thing that has happened for me and my husband since I started working.
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s budget slashes programs that benefit women and families and neglects important investments in future generations. by Caroline Dobuzinskis It’s in the Numbers There has been an onslaught of criticism in the media about how Representative Paul Ryan’s budget...
Caroline Dobuzinskis's picture
California WIC Association (CWA) hosts an educational forum to discuss how low-to-no-cost policy reforms can dramatically increase health equity in California. Policy briefing sponsored by the Senate Health Committee. WHEN: Friday, April 8, 2011, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. WHERE: State Capitol, Room...
