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I am pleased to announce that I will be hosting another live chat at my blog, MotherTalkers , THIS WEDNESDAY, March 30, at 9 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. ET. This time, we are speaking with Ellen Moran, chief of staff to Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke. Prior to being appointed to the position on April 23,...
Elisa Batista's picture
Now that I am the mother of two children, sons aged 2 ½ and 11 months, I am grateful for a law like the Affordable Care Act. When I was 21, I “aged out” of my parents’ insurance because I was no longer in school full-time. My first job after graduating from college provided me with insurance but...
Bernadette Segura's picture
Han pasado 12 meses desde que la Reforma de Salud fue firmada por el Presidente Obama. A millones de personas nos beneficiamos. Los estudiantes pueden recibir cuidados médicos bajo el seguro de sus padres. Personas con enfermedades crónicas que anteriormente se les negaba cobertura ahora pueden...
Luz Villafana's picture
The Affordable Care Act is one year old today. Thanks to this law, millions of women across America will have real and equal access to health care coverage for the first time in their lives. Many improvements will be seen as the full law is phased in during the coming years. For instance, health...
Congresswoman Hilda Solis's picture
As I've been thinking about what angle to take when writing my blog post to mark the one year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, I've reflected on the many posts I've already written about the law and its benefits, both for me personally, and writ large. And then it struck me, there are numerous reasons to celebrate this law, and like the hokey-pokey, that's what it’s all about!
As communities across the nation celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, CCF marked the event in its traditional style - by issuing an issue brief. It has the facts about how the Affordable Care Act will affect children, but also stories from families whose children have...
The United States Department of Health and Human Services unveiled its Health and Sustainability Guidelines for Federal Concessions and Vending Operations . This strategy of prevention coincides with First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign to create a generation of healthier children in...
Ellen Wu's picture
The budget debates currently paralyzing Washington include proposals that significantly cut funding for public health initiatives, all while our nation fights an exploding epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and chronic preventable illness that cost our nation billions of dollars a year in medical costs...
Melissa Bartick's picture
by Kristen Thompson One year ago today, President Obama signed the historic Affordable Care Act. I was invigorated then – along with millions of Americans – by the promise it held for the health and well-being of our nation, and most importantly, our nation’s children! Today, even as opponents try...
Childrens Defense Fund's picture
Let's face it. At some point, we all get sick. And, sometimes lightning strikes and we, or our families, get sicker than we ever even wanted to imagine. Most people plan for healthy lives, try to eat healthy, and regularly pay insurance premiums. So it's not until lightning strikes that people...
Kristin's picture
