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When I set out to make “No Woman, No Cry”, a documentary film about the Global state of maternal health three years ago, I had no idea just how dismal a job we were doing for our nation’s families. I was inspired to highlight the under-reported issue of maternal mortality after learning that almost...
Christy Turlington's picture
It has been 12 months since health reform was signed into law by President Obama. Millions of us benefitted. Students can receive care under their parents’ insurance. People with chronic illnesses who before were denied coverage, can now obtain treatment under a private health insurance plan. At...
Luz Villafana's picture
My name is Magdalena and I am the mother of a beautiful 6-year-old girl named Paloma. Paloma was diagnosed with severe Autism when she was 2-years-old. It’s been four years of physical, emotional, and financial struggles. Trying to find the means to provide for the therapies, diets and all medical...
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, our children can now stay on our health insurance until they are 26. My son started school late. He is 19 and completing high school while taking college courses. Without ACA, my son would not be covered by our health insurance, and would be forced to look for...
My 21 year old is taking a year off from school. He is having to pay back school loans from the first year. He works a full-time job with a small business. our family He cannot afford health insurance on his own, and we cannot afford to pay for it for him. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, we were...
Tracy Munoz's picture
It’s hard to keep up with what’s happening with healthcare reform these days. The new law is complicated. The debate is heated. And entrepreneurs are busy running their businesses, making it hard to stay on top of it all. We’re here to shine some light on the situation. The fact is that the Patient...
In celebration of women's history month, I am hosting a live chat on my blog, MotherTalkers , on Wednesday, March 30, at 9 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. ET. We will be speaking with Ellen Moran, chief of Staff to Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke. Prior to being appointed to the position on April 23, 2009, Ellen...
Elisa Batista's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Work, guilt, stress. Why does this afflict women more than men? One study says it's because women are more likely to be the family caregiver. They absorb the stress of those around them, and...
Valerie Young's picture
Is it that men tend to engage in reckless behavior while women are more cautious in the face of risk? A new poll shows that women in the U.S. are much less inclined than men to build new nuclear facilities in the country in the wake of the current Japanese crisis. Why would someone build six...
Robert Drago's picture
My daughter was born in the spring of 2008 about ten weeks ahead of schedule. My pregnancy progressed normally until suddenly it didn’t. She weighed a little less than three pounds at birth and spent the first six weeks of her life in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). My husband and I felt...
