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A new development in the Wisconsin union story occurred a couple nights ago when Wisconsin’s Republican state senators discovered a roundabout way, without any of their Democratic colleagues present, to pass a bill that will strip collective bargaining for public sector employees in the state. The...
Jennifer Clark's picture
When a pregnant woman comes down with a cold or minor infection, the information about what options are safe for treating her symptoms often are nonexistent. Similarly, if a woman is being treated for a chronic illness, pregnancy can throw her treatment regimen into disarray with uncertainty about...
Here is what's keeping me up at night: Last week in Washington D.C., Congress passed a federal funding bill that decimates key programs that keep families in our country working. And here's how I get back to sleep: I know that legislators in our state, the other Washington, can do better. They can...
Sarah Francis's picture
The countdown to tax day is on and it’s safe to assume you’re either gathering receipts and scrambling to fill out forms or putting off the inevitable for yet another day. Either way, when you do sit down to scrutinize every last detail in your attempt to keep as much of your profits this year as...
Workplace flexibility: eighty percent of American employees say they want it, nearly half of job seekers rate it as a higher priority than salary, and thousands of companies have embraced it as an efficient way to keep employees happy and boost business productivity. But despite all this, there is...
2011 marks the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day – a day for the celebration of women worldwide. In 25 nations (including China, Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam and Zambia), the day has become a national holiday, a time not only to cheer for women's advances, but also to reflect...
Wednesday, February 16th. 8:30am I make my daily run to drop my kids off at school and daycare. 9:10am I arrive at my office and check email. I find a personal email from national journalist David Brancaccio from PBS. We met a couple years ago when he interviewed me for a piece he did on MomsRising...
Angela Sasseville's picture
On Sunday, the Boston Globe Magazine published an article called “The Miracle of Polly McCabe.” Polly McCabe is an alternative public school for pregnant and parenting teens in New Haven. It has approximately 26 students at any given time, and is able to offer them special services like “door-to-door bus service, on-site child care, classes on child rearing, in-school visits from prenatal experts, intensive support from case workers, and even home visits from teachers if they go on bed rest.”
The budget battles in Wisconsin, Indiana, and across the Midwestern United States have inspired a barrage of commentary about what the successful passage of the proposed state laws to strip public sector unions of their collective bargaining power would mean for public sector workers ( not good ),...
Jennifer Clark's picture
We flatter ourselves with the belief that we choose a childrearing approach that will best suit our children, when in truth we choose an approach that best suits ourselves. .....We give children what we needed when we were children and never got.
Joe Newman's picture
