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Very soon Congress will decide on a budget that could make painful, dangerous cuts to services for children. While Congress calls this spending "discretionary," it's actually very mandatory for the many families still struggling from the recession. We're talking about the important stuff: child...
Bill Bentley's picture
Our Waterkeepers are on the front lines of the BP oil disaster. They are the fishermen, the community members, the people of the Gulf coast who were here before the oil and will be here after all the attention goes away. The oil is not gone. The Gulf coast needs your help.
Renee Blanchard's picture
What would you do if you learned that two weeks from now a man repeatedly accused of aggressive sexual misconduct may decide whether women have the power to confront people who discriminate against them? On March 29th, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Wal-Mart v. Dukes , the largest civil...
Below is the third installment of a five-part series, Too Little to Save , in which the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) highlights a family and describes their struggle with foreclosure. Mr. and Mrs. Navarro live with their 34-year-old daughter, a 16-year-old grandson, and an eight-year-old...
Janis Bowdler's picture
The Huffington Post recently named the growth of workplace flexibility at Fortune 500 companies as one of the top stories of the last decade . That's no surprise if you look at corporate data. A recent survey of CEOs found that the #1 investment challenge facing business in the next decade is "...
In the first ten weeks of this year, we've missed 11 days of work due to school holidays or a sick kid. We're not even through the first quarter yet. If the rest of the year is like this quarter, we'll miss more than 40 days of work by the end of the year. How can that be?
Katrina Alcorn's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ March 8 was the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, when our social, political, and economic progress is celebrated all over the world. Truly, our achievements are significant,...
Valerie Young's picture
Last week, women commemorated the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day -- a worldwide celebration of women's progress. The American piece of this epic story began in Lawrence, Massachusetts, when 25,000 mill workers took to the streets to protest for better wages. One particularly...
When you have kids, anniversaries can get short shrift. Suddenly, a quick pizza lunch can suffice for a romantic date. But anniversaries are important not just to mark what we have achieved, but also to renew our commitment to going forward. This March 23rd is the Anniversary of the passage of the...
Donna's picture
Cross posted from IWPR A year ago today, the District of Columbia legalized same-sex marriage, and according to the Washington Post , the number of marriages soared from 3,100 in the year prior to 6,600 in the year since. According to a court representative, the number of marriages usually varies...
Robert Drago's picture
