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We Are MomsRising!
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to Nina in Arizona about how being able to access affordable health insurance (thanks to the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare!) helped her and her son. Read her story below. To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog...
Abbie Gately's picture
Welcome to our new #KeepMarching blog series! The new book, Keep Marching: How Every Woman Can Change Our World, has been out for a few weeks, and this blog series is part of what we’re doing to keep it moving out in the world in order to help build an even stronger movement for change. This blog...
MomsRising's picture
On the #radio show this week we cover the new “As You Are” campaign; the Kavanaugh nomination to the US Supreme Court and what's at stake for women; the latest on the #FamiliesBelongTogether fight; and how to help revolutionize education and end the school to prison pipeline. *Special guests on the...
MomsRising's picture
I wrote recently about a few of the brave children who helped change our nation during the Civil Rights Movement. There are many, many others whose examples should inspire us today. Claudette Colvin – sometimes called “The First Rosa Parks” – was a 15-year-old Black girl who challenged bus...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Children are already back to school in many parts of the country... wow! Summer has flown by. It's a busy time of year, so we'll get right to the point: We need all hands on deck to fight the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, oppose guns in schools, demand Congress do...
Karen Showalter's picture
Take Action
Judge Kavanaugh and family stand to the right of a podium, behind which Pres. Trump stands in mid clap looking at Kavanuagh
Right now, the Trump Administration and Republicans in the U.S. Senate are hoping you’re too distracted to notice their attempt at an extreme political takeover of the Supreme Court of the United States. If confirmed, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the...
Felicia Burnett's picture
We Are MomsRising!
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to Rebecca in New Hampshire about celebrating National Breastfeeding Awareness Month. Read her story below. To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog post . To learn more about National Breastfeeding Awareness...
Abbie Gately's picture
Fight Climate Change!
“The air is literally unsafe to breathe . I've had a pounding headache for two weeks straight. My four year old has had a sore throat, constant cough, and and is wondering why he hasn't been able to play outside in a week. My one year old keeps sneezing and trying to play with the *three* new air...
Kristin's picture
I am a proud mom to Zoe (5), and Brendan (3), and a new little one arriving in September! I have a personal passion for learning new languages and cultures that I seek to instill in my children at an early age. Professionally, I am an educator with teaching certificates in German, English as a...
Maria Bailey's picture
Senate subcommittee hearing on protecting immigrant children
On Aug. 16, the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations held a hearing on what federal agencies are doing – or rather, aren’t doing enough of – to protect unaccompanied migrant children from abuse and human trafficking once they enter the U.S.
Lecia Imbery's picture
