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The Trump administration’s cruel treatment of children and families at the border has not stopped. Children continue to die in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), including 16-year-old Carlos Gregorio Hernández Vásquez, who died May 20 just hours after being diagnosed with the...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
mom platform badge
We're back with this week's list of top #5Actions from the past week, featuring hot items around defending equal pay, pregnant workers, and gun violence. We also need your input on which issues are most important for you so we can create our "Mom Platform" as we head into the next presidential...
Karen Showalter's picture
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage month is an opportunity to focus on the many contributions these communities have made to build our nation over the generations, and their continued role in our future prosperity. With more than 22 million Asian American (AAs) Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders (NHPI) people living in the US, it is also an important time to improve our understanding of the incredible diversity that exists within this community.
Sinsi Hernández-Cancio's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A glass filled with layers of fruit arranged in rainbow color order.]
It shouldn’t take Pride Month to talk to our kids about the impact that LBGTQ people have had in our communities, country, and the world. But now’s as good a time as any, since this month the rainbow flags are flying high and proud, and you can’t scroll through your feed without seeing rainbow-...
Megan Grocki's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An adult with shoulder length dark hair holds a child; both look smiling at the camera.]
When I found out I was pregnant with my first child I thought I had plenty of time to find childcare. I was lucky enough to be able to take 12 weeks off from work so I wouldn't need childcare right away after the baby was born. I was completely wrong. No one told me that I needed to start looking...
Billie Spears's picture
Paid leave is not just for moms. Yet, dads take leave a lot less than moms . Even when dads have access to paid family leave through their employer, they often feel social pressure to leave the benefit on the table. Seventy percent of dads only take 10 days or less of paid leave. According to one...
Seayoung Yim's picture
In Washington, DC today, I’m joining hundreds of moms, kids, community and business leaders, educators and others to walk the halls of Congress to urge our elected representatives to stand up for afterschool programs. Afterschool and summer learning programs are vital to our families and...
Jodi Grant's picture
Today, June 10th is NOT our favorite day. Not at all. Why? Today is Moms’ Equal Pay Day, marking the fact that moms – across race and ethnicity – must work until June 10th of 2019 to earn what dads made in 2018 alone. Of course, averages alone don’t tell the whole story because, due to structural...
Sara Alcid's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image of a round seal with wavy edges that reads "Mom Platform: Mom Crafted, Mom Approved"]
You know. Moms know. I know. We all know what’s happening in our families, our lives, and our communities. We know the truth about dealing with our healthcare system, about the cost of childcare, about what it takes to raise a family. The candidates for President need to know our truth too. It’s...
Kristin's picture
A diverse group of people hold "Don't Take My Care" signs in front of the Supreme Court Building
Every parent knows that feeling… an ominous silence from the other room where you know the kids are playing—and you’re sure that they are up to no good. Well, there is an eerie lack of yammering in Congress about repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and that’s because the Trump Administration...
Felicia Burnett's picture
