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Many parents worry that cyberbullying, trolls, and rude behavior have taken over the internet. While it may seem that the online world has worn away our empathy, many studies show that kids and teens develop strong, supportive online bonds both with known friends and those they've met online. And...
Caroline Knorr's picture
Quick Signature!
BREAKING NEWS: A new study from the Center for American Progress found 83% of parents with children under the age of five struggle to access affordable, high-quality early learning programs for their children. (NOT news to those of us experiencing the childcare crisis, amiright?). And according to...
Lauren Hipp's picture
On November 9, 2016, I didn´t get out of bed when the alarm rang. I felt physically, mentally and spiritually lifeless. I´m no stranger to clinical depression and what I felt that morning and in the days that followed was very similar. As a Latina mom of mixed heritage, I felt powerless, defeated,...
Lorraine C. Ladish's picture
Every child deserves to be tucked into a safe bed to sleep. But for-profit prison and detention corporations are profiting off taking parents away from children and putting families behind bars. It’s time for Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase to stop financing Geo Group and and CoreCivic, two of the...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
Today marked another in a winding stream of doctor’s visits to new doctors, trying desperately to find someone to take on my son’s case and help my family find some support. My seven year old is autistic. He speaks, but continues to struggle with communicating his needs, especially in constructive...
Meredith Tweed's picture
Free Power Pack!
Child jumping in the air with a big smile. Text reads: "Power pack! Contains important tips on issues like water safety and access, physical education, marketing in schools, dual language learning
All of our children deserve the opportunity to succeed, whether they want to be an astronaut, open a restaurant, or play third base. Children are full of possibility and potential. As parents, caregivers and adults, that gives us great hope for this world. Our children will craft and create a...
Karen Showalter's picture
On the radio show this week we cover a long fought childcare victory, the latest in the fight to #StopKavanaugh, what climate change and storms have in common and how we can protect our planet, and tips for safety in hurricanes and weather disasters. *Special guests include: Helen Blank, National...
MomsRising's picture
Help for North Carolina
The devastation and heartbreak Hurricane Florence has brought to North Carolina is hard to comprehend. Even now as the storm leaves our state, North Carolina families are facing flood waters, struggling to find food and clean water, and anxiously wondering when they can return home. Every single...
BethM's picture
Hispanic Heritage Month is here! From September 15th to October 15th, the nation celebrates the culture, heritage and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans. This year, MamasConPoder , our Spanish speaking community is kicking off this month-long celebration with a powerful mission:...
linda's picture
The "school-to-prison pipeline" is a troubling national trend where children are funneled out of public schools and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. It starts when kids are pushed out of the classroom, typically for nonviolent offenses, effectively reducing valuable learning time,...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
