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Blog Carnivals

"Just Like Your Mom." (Happy Mother's Day Mom!)

May 9, 2014
Being constantly compared to my mom annoyed me as a child. Now I think it is the highest compliment someone can give me. Happy Mother's Day Mom!
Elyssa Schmier's picture

A little lipstick and independence

May 9, 2014
My mother taught me so many things, it’s hard to choose which to write about. What always stands out for me was her fierce independence as a young woman. She told me she could do anything as well as the boys when she was a kid and she proved it to them often. She ran away from an abusive father to...
Mary McDonough's picture

My Mother

May 9, 2014
My mother has been my role model throughout my life. Strong, capable and compassionate, Nancy D’Alesandro was a woman of incredible energy and endless devotion to my brothers and me.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi's picture

What I Learned from My Mom

May 9, 2014
When we had Thanksgiving at our house, my mom cooked every dish from scratch. She baked fresh bread, cooked five-course Chinese dinners, and made jam from blackberries that we picked -- and she worked part-time. Though I don't have the patience for the kitchen that she does (and I don't know how...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture

#ReachHigher: One of the Greatest Lessons I Learned From My Mom

May 9, 2014
One of the greatest lessons I learned from my mom was about the importance of education.
Michelle Obama's picture

For the Love of Mom

May 8, 2014
Most of what I know about love, self-respect, and kindness came from lessons taught by my mother. My mother taught me about the strength we gather from family, both the one we are born with and the one we create for ourselves. She taught me that at our lowest points, the hand of love will catch us when we feel like we are falling through space, pulled down by the gravity of despair.
Glennia Campbell's picture

Adventure and freedom from stereotypes (thank you mom!)

May 8, 2014
My mom is an adventurer. A passionate reader and investigator of life. A compassionate advocate for helping people. She taught me I didn't have to be a certain way just because I was female. That gave me the greatest freedom of all-- to be myself. Thanks, mom! Happy Mother's Day.
Katy Farber's picture

Lessons from Mami

May 8, 2014
Mami has been gone for three years now. And every day, at least once a day, I am reminded of something she said, some lesson she passed on. Who's Your Family? The biggest lessons were from that last year. Where we spoke of family and friends and the definition of each. The fact that Mami had...
Sili Recio's picture

Mother's Day #TBT Tribute to my #MomHero

May 8, 2014
In honor of Mother's Day this Sunday, here's a #TBT to my #momhero and me.
Lauren Hipp's picture

Oh the Lessons You Can Learn from Recycled Art! (Thanks Mom.)

May 8, 2014
When I was in elementary school, my mom (an artist) and I (decidedly not an artist) entered a recycled art contest being held in a local park.
Susanna Birdsong's picture
