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Environmental Health

Learn about the World of Toxics

August 19, 2008
Mindful Living: Healthy Churches, Healthy People, Healthy Planet: Learn about the World of Toxics October 9-11, 2008 Lake Geneva Christian Center, Alexandria, Minnesota

Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro -- Toxics in Synthetic Turf?!

August 11, 2008
The Friday night football game at the high school athletic field, the afternoon play date at the playground, and the weekend picnic at the local park – synthetic turfs are growing in popularity and are increasingly likely to be found in our communities.

Kid Safe Chemical Act – Making Products Safe for Our Most Vulnerable Consumers

June 25, 2008
Every day across the country, parents and consumers rely on products containing hundreds of chemicals. They assume the government has done its job and that these products are safe for their intended use.
Congresswoman Hilda Solis's picture

Fair Pay is Still a Fairy Tale

June 11, 2008
Laws are nice, but they don't always work. The Fair Pay Act is a prime example. In 1963, Congress passed the Fair Pay Act, a gesture seemingly ahead of its time. From that moment forward, women and men would get paid the same for equal work. Today, 45 years later, I'm still waiting.
PunditMom's picture

Congress Quakes While Rubber Ducks Quack

May 29, 2008
Wow -- are we ever getting noticed in the halls of Congress these days! members have made it clear that we expect our government and business leaders to make sure all toys and children's products are safe.
Donna's picture

Get Toxics Out of our Baby Bottles!

April 26, 2008
I’ve never really been a purist when it comes to my kids. I must admit that they’ve consumed more than their share of Kraft macaroni and cheese. And when a friend announced that she was only going to give toys made of wood to her children, I just rolled my eyes.
Donna's picture

Sippy Cups and Burgers

February 19, 2008
We moms do our best to keep our families safe. But in light of recent safety news, I think we're going to go find Saddam Hussein's worm hole and take up residence there.
PunditMom's picture

Attack of the Killer Couches - Keep Toxins Out of Our Furniture!

February 3, 2008
BETTER LIVING THROUGH CHEMISTRY? Frogs are a semi-aquatic variety of the proverbial canary in the coal mine. Frogs are visibly sensitive to pollutants in their environment. Hermaphrodite frogs, five legged frogs and dwarfed frogs are being correlated with man made chemicals that are polluting in...
joan's picture

Find (and avoid!) Toxic Toys with

December 13, 2007
As a mom who happens to be a scientist at an environmental health organization, I got a jump on cleaning the lead-laden toys out of my daughter's toy box.
