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Paid Sick Days

MomsRising Thanks Massachusetts Legislators for leadership on Paid Sick Days

September 23, 2009
We were delighted to see this editorial in the Stoneham Sun by Massachusetts legislator Jason Lewis. Today, nearly 1.4 million working people in Massachusetts aren't allowed to earn a single paid sick day -- and even folks with paid sick days are often not allowed to use them to take care of sick...

Data Show That Paid Sick Days Pay Off For Employers

September 22, 2009
New data show that employees who receive at least five paid days off per year for personal illness are healthier, and enjoy greater personal well-being. As our country looks at comprehensive health reform measures, we must consider policies that help employees stay healthy and engaged at work, even...

H1N1 - Your thoughts?

September 2, 2009
Wow. H1N1 is on moms' minds. Over 33,000 people signed on to the petition we sent around last week, agreeing that: "The United States needs to allow all working people to earn paid sick days to ensure our economic security, and protect public health." The leaders of our nation are working hard to...

Duh, employers. Let sick workers stay home

August 19, 2009
On Tuesday the Centers for Disease Control released its new toolkit, Preparing for the Flu: A Communication Toolkit for Businesses and Employers , which includes recommendations from the CDC, and a letter cosigned by the Secretaries of Commerce, Health and Human Services, and Labor. Their advice?...

All About The Healthy Families Act

August 15, 2009
What is the Healthy Families Act (HFA)? Currently, no state or federal law guarantees paid sick days—although paid sick days campaigns in over a dozen states across the country are mobilizing in support of this basic workplace standard. The federal Healthy Families Act (S 1152/HR 2460) would allow...
Katie Bethell's picture

It Only Looked Like Business As Usual

June 16, 2009
From Your (Wo)man in Washington Blog Another Hill hearing room, fresh-faced staffers buzzing in the background, Congressmen and women at their microphones, witnesses seated at the witness table. June 11 was just another day for the Nation's Capital of the World's Greatest Democracy. Except it wasn'...
Valerie Young's picture

Big hearing tomorrow for Paid Sick Days!

June 10, 2009
Together, we're creating powerful momentum in the fight for paid sick days. But having the support of the Congresspeople who introduced the Healthy Families Act isn't enough to win this essential protection for working families. We need more Congresspeople on board with us.

We lost the battle in Connecticut, but...

June 5, 2009
On Wednesday at midnight, the gavel struck marking the close of the Connecticut Senate Session, and the end of our campaign for the Paid Sick Days bill this year. Despite an unbelievable amount of dedication and hard work, our push for Paid Sick Days came up just one vote short in the State Senate. But we still have lots to celebrate...

Paid Sick Days in North Carolina

November 13, 2008
Did you know? • Nearly half of North Carolina workers, 1.6 million people, lack a single paid sick day . • 64% of all North Carolina married families with children send both spouses to work. • Research by the Institute for Women's Policy Research shows that providing workers with paid sick days...
Katie Bethell's picture

Thank You!

October 21, 2008
Many thanks to those of you who pre-ordered environmental activist Van Jones's new book, The Green Collar Economy . It debuted on the New York Times bestseller list, making Jones the first African-American with a book about the environment to achieve this feat. Thanks all! "Surprise Best-Seller ‘Green Collar Economy’
Elisa Batista's picture
