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Politics & Policy

#KeepMarching — Top 5 Actions You Can Do Right This Very Second

January 30, 2017
Yikes. Donald Trump has been in office for just one week — and already there are many, many places our voices are urgently needed to protect our country and our families. It can feel overwhelming. But we can do this! Moms, dads, and people are excellent multi-taskers! We won’t let Trump’s tactic of...
Kristin's picture

Child Watch® Column: Leslie Dunbar: An Indispensable One

January 27, 2017
A number of years ago, I heard a deeply moving story at a Children’s Miracle Network event, a charity that raises money in partnership with children’s hospitals around the country and helps serve sick and injured children in their local communities. A speaker shared this heart-wrenching story of a father and son with the audience and agreed to let me share it with others after I requested a copy.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Take Action!

TAKE ACTION: Send Trump a mini Statue of Liberty (and a strong message)

January 26, 2017
After what President Trump has done this week, I’m all about sending thousands of mini Statues of Liberty, along with messages from real people (that’s me & YOU!) about the importance of liberty & justice for ALL--and I do mean ALL-- to Trump Towers across the nation as a reminder of the...
Kristin's picture

Control our Money, Control Our Destiny: Women’s March 2017

January 26, 2017
I attended the Women’s March in Washington DC over the weekend. It was exhilarating and gave half a million participants an inspiring feeling of “yes we can!” I am still on a high from the sense of power in numbers and community I felt on that day. One of the speakers, Kierra Johnson, the Executive Director of URGE, pointed out in her speech that “If someone else controls your body, it is they and not you that control your destiny.” Amen. I only wish that the women’s march could have articulated a parallel message: if you don’t control your money, you don’t control your destiny either.

#WhyIMarch - for myself, for my family, for all of us

January 24, 2017
My name is Nancy and I live in Manchester NH. I am a mother. I am a waitress. I am strong and I am an activist. I have used my life experiences as motivation to speak out about what I believe in. In April of 2012, I gave birth to my first son Hunter. He was already a fighter weighing in at 2 lb 10...
NancyGlynn's picture

5 Ways For Kids To Fight Injustice With #MomsReading

January 23, 2017
Welcome to our third post in our four part social justice series! In the age of toxic rhetoric dominating conversations in American politics, it is more important than ever to talk to our families about diversity, inclusion, and justice to help build a better future. Wondering how to get started?...
Abbie Gately's picture

We Marched! Now We Rise: 5 Actions You Can Do From Anywhere

January 23, 2017
This past Saturday, January 21st, millions of people marched at over 600 Women's Marches across our nation and world. The combined total of people who took to the streets in cities from Washington, D.C. to Seattle and all cities in between is historic. Saturday's marches were the starting line. Now...
Kristin's picture

Educating Our Leaders About the Real Healthcare Experiences of Families

January 20, 2017
Last Wednesday, I went to my Congressman’s office to hand deliver MomsRising’s healthcare storybook which has stories from moms and dads across the country, including New Jersey. I’ve called my Congressman’s office more times in the last two weeks than I have in the entire time I’ve been his...
Nadia's picture

Must-have resources before you March tomorrow!

January 20, 2017
The Women’s March on Washington and hundreds of sister marches are TOMORROW ! We are excited, fired up, and ready to GO GO GO! Tomorrow , MomsRising will be standing up with our families, children, neighbors, and hundreds of partnering organizations to protect our rights, our safety, our families,...
Nina Perez's picture

Human Needs Report: The 115th Congress Begins

January 18, 2017
The 115 th Congress convened on Jan. 3 and hit the ground running. The Coalition on Human Needs just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report , our regular newsletter on national policy issues affecting low-income and vulnerable populations, with a look at what Members of Congress have...
Lecia Imbery's picture
