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Politics & Policy

Secretary of Labor Violations?

January 18, 2017
“My experience at Carl’s Jr. left me feeling hopeless. I tried to communicate the problems experienced with my supervisors, and yet the problem continued and nothing was done about it. If Andrew Puzder allowed these things to happen at a company like Carl’s Jr, how would he protect workers across...
Lecia Imbery's picture

A Blessing for the Women's March

January 18, 2017
Best wishes to everyone putting your hearts and bodies on the line at women's marches and other demonstrations in your towns, states, and country because we believe a better America is still possible. Blessing for the Women's March By Erika A. Hewitt (Unitarian minister) May you be safe. May you be...
ruby's picture

Thousands Nationwide Come Out to Fight Repeal of the Affordable Care Act

January 18, 2017
The line of cars snaking into the parking lots at Bowie State University was the first clue that on January 15 people in Maryland were determined to stand and fight against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. They were responding to calls from members of Congress, organized labor and activist...
Debbie Weinstein's picture

Q&A with Joan Alker about repealing the Affordable Care Act

January 17, 2017
This Q&A originally appeared on . Question: From a policy point of view, it seems inevitable that the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is heading for repeal or major changes. How has the law helped children and families? Answer: Congressional leaders have made clear that repealing...
Say Ahhh's picture

5 Ways To Teach Kids About LGBTQ+ Equality With #MomsReading

January 16, 2017
Welcome to our second post in our four part social justice series! In the age of toxic rhetoric dominating conversations in American politics, it is more important than ever to talk to our families about diversity, inclusion, and equality to help build a better future. Wondering how to get started...
Abbie Gately's picture

Child Watch® Column: Moral Courage: Standing Up for What is Right

January 13, 2017
On Wednesday, Senator Cory A. Booker (D-NJ) and Representative John Lewis (D-GA) joined the list of speakers testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee against the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) for Attorney General of the United States. Both were assigned to a panel at the very end of the hearing process, a slot fellow panelist Representative Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA), the head of the Congressional Black Caucus, called “the equivalent of being made to go to the back of the bus.” Several Senate committee members who have already publically supported Senator Sessions left before Senator Booker’s and Representative Lewis’ important testimony began. But that didn’t deter them from speaking out against the threat they see to the civil rights progress our nation has made if Senator Sessions becomes Attorney General.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Thank you!

#YesWeCan and #YesWeDid – Say farewell & thank-you to the Obamas!

January 13, 2017
Submit your very own thank-you note to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. We'll deliver it to the White House before they leave office!
Sara Alcid's picture

New Year, New Baby...New job?!

January 11, 2017
You hear about NH every four years because of the presidential election, but other things are happening in NH too! Some good, some not so good. Did you see the news about Concord, NH's first baby of 2017? (1) The night that Lamar and his wife Lindsay should have been celebrating the New Year...
Christina DAllesandro's picture

MomsRising Urges Senate to Refuse to Confirm Jeff Sessions to Serve as Attorney General

January 10, 2017
Today the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin its confirmation hearing on Senator Jeff Sessions, a nominee whose record clearly indicates that he is absolutely not qualified to serve as United States Attorney General. Senator Sessions’ record on voting rights, anti-discrimination protections,...
Kristin's picture

5 Ways To Introduce Activism To Your Kids With #MomsReading

January 9, 2017
Our kids are listening. And with all of the toxic rhetoric that seemed to dominate the conversation in 2016 , it is more important than ever to talk to our families about diversity, inclusion, and activism to help build a better future going into 2017. Wondering how to get started? We’ve got you...
Abbie Gately's picture
