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Politics & Policy

On Democracy and Paid Family and Medical Leave

December 12, 2016
“Mommy, you do…de-de-democracy.” That was my daughter’s recent assessment of my career. As a three-year old-her grasp of the term ‘democracy’ may be slightly tenuous, but her comment left me both amused and reflective. Does our work trying to improve the quality of jobs in the U.S. count as...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture

Breastfeeding is a human right

December 9, 2016
December 10 is Human Rights Day . And right before the Human Rights Day this year, I received an e-mail from a mother, upset that her employer doesn’t support breastfeeding and that her supervisor told her “Not only breastfeeding moms are good moms, formula is as good.” I was saddened. I am sad...
To-wen Tseng's picture

Child Watch® Column: Love Trumps Hate

December 9, 2016
This is usually a season of familiar scenes in schools across the country, with holiday programs featuring messages of peace and goodwill to all. But this year many teachers and students have been seeing another story.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Keep Pounding

December 9, 2016
How Grassroots Organizing and Popular Protest Defeated NC’s Bathroom Governor As a lifelong North Carolinian, I really appreciated this data-based analysis from Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling on how the Governor lost his re-election effort (the first to do so in NC history). First, polls show...
ruby's picture

Say NO To A Muslim Registry

December 5, 2016
I am a Muslim mom. My family is probably a lot like yours. I joined MomsRising because I was concerned about our kids having access to healthy school lunches. I signed up to support paid family/medical leave because I knew from experience working mothers had to make hard choices after giving birth...
Khadija Gurnah's picture

Child Watch® Column: Stay Strong: Fight Back

December 2, 2016
At one of my very discouraging times, I heard my beloved late spiritual director Gordon Cosby of the Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C. read this “Request for Transfer” by an unknown author which I return to at very tough times.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

MomsRising on President-Elect Trump’s Appointments

November 29, 2016
Taken together, President-Elect Trump’s appointments to date present a significant threat to our democracy, to the people of our country, and to our economy: · Rep. Tom Price , nominated for Secretary of Health and Human Services, has made dismantling the Affordable Care Act a landmark goal of his...
Kristin's picture

Tips For Healing the Divide By Talking Turkey Over Cranberry Sauce

November 23, 2016
Confession: I’ve been shopping for sweet potatoes and green beans for our family gathering while still reeling from the election. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around everything—including how to avoid unproductive food fights over politics during Thanksgiving dinner and how turn that time into a...
Kristin's picture

A bright light amidst fear & outrage: a VOTE on DC Paid Leave!

November 23, 2016
The Universal Paid Leave Act is up for a vote on December 6th! Tell the DC Council to do right by the District's families and keep the bill strong & comprehensive for a vote!
Sara Alcid's picture

The Emboldened Political Landscape

November 21, 2016
Without a doubt, our nation is divided, and it should no less, encourage us to love, unite, and make small efforts of kindness, a daily act upon which we show the next generation resilience. As a school district employee, I strive to foster the conditions for this kindness, in order to nourish the...
Clarissa T's picture
