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Politics & Policy

The Little Red Hen and Social Security

January 9, 2017
I value self-reliance. In fact, my favorite book as a young child was “The Little Red Hen,” with the chorus, “I’ll do it myself,” said the Little Red Hen. “And so she did”. In the story, the Little Red Hen asks for help from the other barnyard animals each step of the way in harvesting ingredients...

Child Watch® Column: Keep Your Hand on the Plow! HOLD ON!

January 6, 2017
I begin each year with a women’s spiritual retreat at Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) Haley Farm in Tennessee. This year Reverend Janet Wolf, Director of CDF Haley Farm and Nonviolent Organizing, shared a meditation based on Langston Hughes’ brilliant 1943 poem “Freedom’s Plow” that she had been using in her ministry on Tennessee’s death row consisting of both incarcerated “insiders” and “outsiders.” All of us were caught up in the poem’s descriptions of centuries of American struggle against oppression and for America’s promised dream of freedom and justice for all.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Moral March Against Trump's Cabinet of Bigotry

January 6, 2017
Two weeks ago, MomsRising joined dozens of DC area faith leaders on Capitol Hill to pray together and speak out against the bigotry, systemic racism and white nationalism of Jeff Sessions, Trump's nominee for Attorney General. Now, civil right leaders and interfaith clergy are planning a Moral...
Gloria Pan's picture
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NO! To hate and bigotry becoming the new normal

January 6, 2017
I’m typing this to you from my dining room table in Seattle, Washington. My daughter is doing homework across from me. Just a few feet away my son is playing a video game to a background of rocking techno. Our puppy is intermittently trying to hop in my lap and share her soggy toy. My email inbox...
Kristin's picture

Parents are speaking out for the Affordable Care Act!

December 21, 2016
Last week, a team of us from MomsRising spread out and met with nearly half of the U.S. Senators' healthcare staff about the importance not unilaterally kicking 30,000,000 people off healthcare coverage. We delivered stories from MomsRising members from across the country and life saver candies to...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Why the ACA Matters To Me

December 21, 2016
Last week, I was fortunate enough to go to Capitol Hill and share my health care story with legislators and their staffs. As someone who benefits greatly from the Affordable Care Act, also known by Obamacare, it was important for me to let politicians know how repealing the law and not replacing it...
Abbie Gately's picture
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"You may not get hit with the bullet, but it still hurts you."

December 20, 2016
My name is Alton Lucas, and I lost two people dear to me to gun violence – my dad and my nephew. I know gun safety is a hot-button issue that’s all over the news these days. But if there’s one organization that I trust to bring people to the table to actually make change – it’s MomsRising. I live...
Alton Lucas's picture

Together, we can make Washington the next state to pass paid family and medical leave! Will you join us?

December 16, 2016
We're building MOMentum in Washington on paid family and medical leave -- and we need YOU! Click here to RSVP to join our "Mom-In" in Olympia on January 10th to launch the 2017 campaign for paid family leave! What’s a “Mom In"!?! Well, it’s when moms, and anyone who has ever had a mom, come...
Maggie Humphreys's picture

Child Watch® Column: I Agree With Donald Trump

December 16, 2016
The hugely over-budget F-35 fighter jet program recently returned to the headlines when President-elect Donald Trump tweeted that “The F-35 program and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th.”
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Take Action!

Stand Up, Speak Out Against Trump's Anti-Family Cabinet Appointees

December 13, 2016
Donald Trump became President-Elect because he prevailed in the Electoral College, but Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.6 million votes . In other words, the American People did not give Donald Trumpa mandate to enact an extremist agenda aimed at destroying some of our most...
Kristin's picture
