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Imagine if you were the mother of someone who was found innocent, by irrefutable new DNA evidence, after having been wrongly imprisoned and placed on death row for a crime he/she did not commit. For any mother, it would be horrifying. Shockingly, death sentences for innocent people are not rare...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Last week the government of Quebec announced plans to recognize aid in dying as a legal and protected medical practice in the province. They promise a new law by this summer. A tremendously exciting announcement, it reveals a seismic shift in the thinking of both medical and political leaders. I...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
We start out hearing from U.S. Representative Sandy Levin about the fight in Congress around unemployment insurance--and hear what's really going on in those marbled halls. Next up we find out about the FAMILY Act and what it could mean for your family. Then we talk patriotism, democracy and...
Kristin's picture
Beyoncé literally pushing soda to kids. Sign the Petition Asking Beyoncé to Ditch Pepsi/Resign from Let’s Move ! In a sickening development involving the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative to improve the nutrition, fitness and health of the nation’s children, the initiative’s celebrity spokeswoman...
Nancy Huehnergarth's picture
How different would the USA be if we weren’t a land of immigrants? (you could say that if no one ever migrated the land would be mainly inhabited by the Cherokee, Iroquois, and so forth, but for this purpose, let us imagine what USA would be like with no immigration after the Revolution). Think...
Diana Limongi's picture
The United States experiences epidemic levels of gun violence, claiming over 30,000 lives annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For every person who dies from a gunshot wound, two others are wounded. In 2010, guns took the lives of 31,076 Americans in homicides...
Valerie Young's picture
This last week has been one of the most meaningful and powerful weeks of my life since I began advocating for gun violence prevention. It started as I spent the one-month anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy in Newtown. I came with survivors and family members of victims of the Columbine, Virginia...
Lori Haas's picture
Last Monday marked the one-month anniversary of the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, which left twenty very young children and six adult employees of Sandy Hook Elementary School dead. Since that time, we have grieved with parents over the unimaginable loss of their children--both in the soft...
Kelly Singleton's picture
When we observe the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 22, we are celebrating a major milestone in women’s health, equality, and status as citizens. At its core, Roe stands for women’s right to make important decisions about our own lives. This momentous Supreme Court decision protects both...
Rachel Roth's picture
President Obama faces a profound decision as he considers who will step into Lisa Jackson's shoes. Over the past decade, EPA has become a lightening rod for the heated partisan debate about the size and role of government. The agency has also come to serve as a rhetorical punching bag for those...
Kristin Schafer's picture
