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Up online now for all to read is Chapter 3 of the Motherhood Manifesto, "O: Open, Flexible Work Options." Then after you read Chapter O, share your thoughts with others on the MomsRising forum . Contrary to what some believe, flexible work options aren't a utopian ideal. In fact, many companies are finding that when they stop managing by the clock, and start managing by work results, as Best Buy did, they see better employee job performance, better employee retention, and lower training and recruitment costs. It can be a win-win situation for all.
Kristin's picture
Debate has been heating up again in DC over the federal minimum wage. Last week a proposed amendment in the Senate to raise the minimum wage from the current $5.15 to $7.25 failed to get 60 votes - but 52 Senators (including 8 Republicans) supported it. In the House, the Appropriations committee (breaking with the Republican leadership) attached a $2.10 hike in the rate to a major spending bill - but now that bill may not see a vote until after the elections.
The perverse thing about writing and organizing around work/family balance is that it has profoundly messed with my personal work/family balance. Traveling is something I try to avoid except for fun. That said, launching MomsRising is a big deal so, as the saying goes, rules are made to be broken and I’ve been traveling quite a bit of late. I was thrilled when after I spoke at the annual Theatre Communications Group conference in Atlanta, GA some mothers and other theater directors approached me with ideas for a theater project based upon The Motherhood Manifesto. Building awareness about these issues is no small challenge. It is going to require the creativity and passion of many to make these kitchen table issues hit the main stream radar so that we have the ability to organize and supporting real cultural and political change. At The Take Back America Conference “The Men’s Auxiliary” was proposed. Awesome!
joan's picture
Just wanted to check in with a quick update from the Take Back America Conference. We previewed the new MomsRising documentary last night to great reviews - and we'll look forward to distributing it through house parties this fall. This morning Senator Clinton spoke to the conference, and highlighted the MomsRising project and the need for family-friendly policies in her speech (see pg 6) - we were thrilled by her support and that she's working on several pieces of legislation that addresss the core goals of MomsRising (children's health care, minimum wage issues).
Last week MomsRising had a great time at the NetSquared conference . I participated in a lively panel on gender and social networking, and Joan was a big hit at one of the conference plenary sessions. Joan taped an interview that should be airing soon on Link TV - we'll update the broadcast schedule when we have it.
We just posted Chapter "M", about maternity/paternity leave, online. To read Chapter "M", click here. And, we opened a new forum so you can discuss these issues with others. Check out the forum here. Join us online. Read the chapter. Tell your maternity story. Hear others' stories. Pass it on!
Kristin's picture
05/24/06 is going to the NetSquared conference next week in San Jose. Joan will be speaking at the plenary Grassroots, Netroots, and the Beginning and End of Politics on Wednesday morning with Amy Goodman and Michael Turk on how her work with MoveOn and MomsRising has changed the way we think about and participate in politics.
Today I attended the Women for a New Los Angeles/ Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy luncheon. It was such a great surprise to open up the latest issue of their newsletter and find a full-page article on MomsRising! Barbara Ehrenreich gave a powerful acceptance speech for her award, with a clear focus on economic inequality and the obstacles working mothers face.
Not everyone spent Mother's Day eating breakfast in bed. In Laguna Niguel, California moms participated in the Mighty Mama Skate-o-Rama, a fundraiser for a local children's home. Women's Enews has an article that talks the way a new generation of moms are redefining motherhood. In response to economic and social pressures, women continue to express themselves and their ideas about parenting through art, music...and skateboarding.
MomsRising is getting noticed! In the last week we've had coverage in several major news media, as well many articles in the local press: put us in their list of "Ma Power!" groups. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer covered the launch and described how we're moving key motherhood issues into political discussions.
