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As moms, we all want to protect our children from harm. But what if that harm is invisible, occurs daily, and is almost impossible to stop without government intervention?
Michelle Noehren's picture
I want to share a story from my friend, Rebecca. She's a successful lawyer and mom, and she's been on the hunt for a better work environment. I hope you enjoy her story. In June 2012, I wrote a blog post called “ Having It All ”. I shared my journey through law school, the entry into private...
Cali Ressler's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Last week, the ability to control our fertility nearly careened over a cliff when the Blunt Amendment came up for a vote in the U.S. Senate. Sponsors of the Amendment were angered by the...
Valerie Young's picture
Yesterday was the 101st annual International Women’s Day . In some countries this Day holds the same stature as Mother’s Day and celebrates women’s economic, political and social achievements. More or less concurrently, proposals landed in Congress and in states around the nation to excuse...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
Today we here at the Michigan Women’s Foundation celebrate International Women’s Day, a day where women are recognized for their social, academic, political, and economic achievements. While taking the time to reflect on the histories of global womanhood, today, of all days, is a day to look at...
Carolyn Cassin's picture
Mothers are considered to be among the most revered members of our society. Celebrities publicly thank their moms for helping them to achieve their dreams. Politicians wax poetic about valuable childhood lessons bestowed upon them by their mothers. Even female politicians talk about how their...
Felicia Burnett's picture
March 8 is International Women's Day - first celebrated over 100 years ago. International Women's Day brings attention to women around the world- the underserved, the underrepresented, the undervalued, the invisible, the hardworking, the poor. In October 2011, Family Equality Council, along with...
Heron Greenesmith's picture
In 2010, dear friends of mine gave birth to a baby girl. I saw the first pictures of her, not even an hour old, while I was writing a blog post about another important event, the first anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Act. She looked so serious in some of those pictures, as if she was determined...
Marianne Bellesorte's picture
International Women’s Day offers a great opportunity to take a look at the status of the rising generation of young women here at home. Next week, Young Invincibles is set to kick off the Campaign for Young America with a bus tour, visiting 18 states to talk to young people about barriers to...
Katy Fairl's picture
More than a century ago, thousands of women walked out of garment shops – then one of the largest occupations for women – to march for better pay and working conditions. Their bravery inspired the annual celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8. Today garments are more likely to be sewn...
Ellen Bravo's picture
