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By Anne Morrison, ACLU Women's Rights Project Today is International Women's Day, a day to celebrate the advancements women have made while reflecting upon the barriers we still face. Around the world, women have made great steps towards equality, yet the injustice of violence against women has...
ACLU's picture
It’s International Women’s Day and one of the most amazing women I know, Angela M. Kelley , is reminding us about the special contributions, insights, and strength of immigrant women. Angie is the Vice President for Immigration Policy and Advocacy at the Center for American Progress (CAP). She and...
Lynn Tramonte's picture
When I was pregnant with my first child my husband and I were a dual career couple. Two weeks into motherhood, my boss called me at home. The company had eliminated 30% of its local jobs and I had been laid off. “But I’m on maternity leave,” I stammered in protest, trying to understand how this was...
Angela Sasseville's picture
Happy International Women’s Day, and welcome to the first #callingallwomen blog carnival. This March – Women’s History Month – 25 women’s funds from across the U.S. are uniting to promote solutions to the critical issues that women face. Against the backdrop of an intensified war on women, the “...
Anika Rahman's picture
This week marks the 47th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday,” a seminal event in voting rights history. The televised images of protesters being brutally assaulted on the Edmund Pettus Bridge sparked a national outcry and led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 . Fast forward to today,...
Faye M. Anderson's picture
In theory, a year of human life is priceless, or so says Kathleen Kingsbury in her Time/Health Article ‘ The Value Of A Human Life .' In reality, she goes on to write, it's worth $50,000. That's the international standard most private and government-run health insurance plans worldwide use to...
Joy Rose's picture
For almost all American women, reproductive rights are not mere fodder for political debate. Rather, they encompass highly personal decisions. Do I want to get pregnant? Do I want to remain pregnant? They are unavoidable choices made by heterosexually active women—including Catholic women , who use...
Madeleine Gyory's picture
On many measures of well-being, women in the United States fare better than their counterparts around the world, but when it comes to imprisonment, the situation changes: Of all the women and girls in prison in the world, one in three is confined right here in the United States. With only five...
Rachel Roth's picture
Joanne* had her baby, took a 12 week job protected leave through the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and then dutifully returned to work. She spoke with her supervisor about her desire to continue pumping her breast milk and they worked out a reasonable schedule for her to use a back room to pump...
Genevieve Colvin's picture
Ten years ago I was standing on a balcony, trying to coax my puppy, Sabrina, back inside. Sabrina was barking wildly, but not moving. As I stepped towards her, the balcony collapsed. I fell two stories, directly against a brick wall, and landed on cement stairs. Thankfully, for me, there had been a...
Gayle Goldin's picture
