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Ever wonder what happens to a worker who becomes disabled for weeks from injuries in a car accident? Or the worker who has a baby but no maternity leave? Or the worker whose parent, suffering from Alzheimer's, falls and hits his head and can no longer live alone? Here's what happens, and neither...
Ann OLeary's picture
By Ariela Migdal, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Women's Rights Project Peggy Young delivered letters and packages sent by air for UPS. When she got pregnant after struggling with infertility and IVF, her doctor recommended that she not lift more than 20 pounds. She asked UPS, where she had worked...
ACLU's picture
Does your office have a gym? Do you have group exercise classes, weigh-ins, nutrition experts, and incentive programs for staying healthy? Wellness programs are a hot topic right now. Naturally, with out-of-control health care and insurance costs, companies are looking for ways to save money and...
Jody Thompson's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Let’s take a moment to review the current state of American women’s access to the full range of reproductive health services. It keeps popping up in the media, and it’s no mystery why...
Valerie Young's picture
Today my ten year old daughter asked me if she could be in a beauty pageant. After receiving information in the mail about an upcoming pageant in our area, she springs this on me at breakfast. Alarmed and entirely unprepared for this Image by Flickr user MoToMo conversation first thing in the...
Angela Sasseville's picture
What year is it!? The growing drumbeat of attacks on full coverage for crucial contraceptive health care for women continues despite the fact that 99% of women in our nation have used birth control at some point in their lives. [1] First, an all male panel of "expert" witnesses on birth control...
Kristin's picture
Recent headlines related to child care policy have been discouraging to say the least. In California, proposed budget cuts threaten to cut off child care assistance for 62,000 children. Florida proposes to save money by providing child care subsidies only for children under age 5, leaving young...
Hannah Matthews's picture
Late last year, while official Washington and its pundits were busy deconstructing the failure of the "Super Committee" and the rest of us were planning our holiday celebrations, the National Center for Health Statistics quietly released its 2011 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data. Among...
Gene Lewit's picture
co-written with Rachel Dempsey In the last post, we talked about the problem of pregnancy discrimination against women in hourly jobs - cases where mothers were refused simple accommodations that would help them have healthy pregnancies. Discrimination against pregnant women and mothers is a huge...
Joan C. Williams's picture
Universal Studio’s animated film The Lorax opens in theaters on March 2. And environmentalists and people who care about children are already outraged—with good reason. For more than forty years, the Dr. Seuss classic has been a clarion call for reducing consumption and promoting conservation. But the book’s eloquent environmental message is being crushed by the film’s slew of corporate cross-promotions.
Susan Linn's picture
