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Living in Silicon Valley, I am used to reading about new tech wonders every day. In fact, today, we use the internet to do many things we used to do in person, by snailmail or on the telephone. This trend is encouraged by new technology, but has gained popularity because it is often less expensive...
Gene Lewit's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ With each passing year, March 8th, International Women’s Day, gets a bit more attention. There seems to be an increasing number of briefings, events, and press of all kinds about the status...
Valerie Young's picture
A report released by Human Rights Watch on Feb 23, 2011 titled Failing Its Families offers a critique of the historical and current support provided by the United States government for family-leave programs. The US is cited as one of just three countries worldwide offering no legal guarantee of...
Amy Lyman's picture
Photo credit: Photo by Flickr user Rik Ruff Are you a young adult looking for health care? Or maybe you're the parent of a young adult who's navigating the sometimes complicated world of tracking down coverage? This Wellness Wednesday, we're taking a look at health coverage for young adults. We'll...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
In the past year, there have been a slew of studies showing that when a child is exposed to certain pesticides — whether before birth or while eating conventionally-grown food — his or her IQ may drop . Sometimes by several points. But what does this really mean? As a society, what might the...
Kristin Schafer's picture
Americans spend 90% of their time indoors , with most of their working hours spent in an office. Meanwhile, s tudies from the EPA show that indoor air quality can be even more polluted than outdoor air. One of the most important things you can do to avoid toxic chemicals is to clean up your indoor...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
by Rachel Lincoln Saroff Executive Director & CEO Healthy Child Healthy World Thanks to everyone who helped us “Celebrate Colette” this week, where we kicked off our Spanish Translation program with a bang. We raised more than $11,000 to begin translation of our 5 Easy...
I’m mad this morning. My eight-year old (8!, yes, just 8! in third grade!) is a nervous wreck. Today is the first day of PSSA (Pennsylvania System of School Assessment, or Pissed Students Seriously Anxious?!) Standardized testing at her school. They’ve been prepping for weeks (or is it months?) to...
Homa Tavangar's picture
“Reckless.” “Dangerous.” And “just plain crazy.” Those are the ways that scientists, environmentalists, and nurses describe the widespread practice of adding arsenic compounds to poultry feed. Yes, arsenic, one of the world’s most deadly poisons, a Class A carcinogen that is associated not only...
Tom Hucker's picture
Our Equity and the ACA webinar series got off to a great start in January with a presentation from Peter Lee of the California Health Benefit Exchange, and our next web forum promises to be equally interesting and informative. Of the 6.7 million Californians eligible for Medi-Cal and tax credits in...
Ellen Wu's picture
