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I love International Women’s Day. I remember great lectures in honor of this day in college, visiting my old hometown Fort Wayne, Indiana for their 99th annual city-wide celebration of the day, and just love the thought of a pause in the calendar to honor heroic women. I realize everyday should be...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Success should be in the grasp of all children, no matter where they live. However, the opportunities available to children based on their neighborhood vary dramatically across the United States. For the 8 million U.S. children living in high-poverty neighborhoods critical resources for their...
Laura Speer's picture
Photo Credit: Flickr User Fanny While February was American Heart Month, we want to keep the celebration going and keep our hearts healthy year round. Right now, heart disease is the leading cause of death for American women, killing more than one third . More women than men die of cardiovascular...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Our latest report put numbers to what we already knew – communities of color have the most to gain from the successful implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Achieving Equity by Building a Bridge from Eligible to Enrolled , developed in partnership with UCLA Center for Health Policy Research...
Ellen Wu's picture
Have you ever wondered if your work day is anything like other working mothers days? Recently, my website followed the working day of each of our work-mom bloggers (15 of us!) and we found it fascinating to see how alike our days actually are. (Credit for this terrific idea...
Michelle Noehren's picture
Reducing your exposure to toxic chemicals during your pregnancy is important for the health of you and your little one. Luckily, it doesn't have to be a chore. You can reduce your toxic chemicals exposures while you reduce morning sickness, stretch marks, aches, acne, and more. Take small steps and...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director/CEO Healthy Child Healthy World I spent the past few weeks poring over the Healthy Child archives and I’m amazed at what I found. I knew this organization was powerful, but I didn’t really comprehend the extent of our impact. The...
Early Saturday morning, the Washington State Senate passed a budget that slashes early learning, child care, education and other key programs that Washington children depend on.[1] But the budget battle isn't over yet! Both the State House and the State Senate have less than a week to agree on a...
Sarah Francis's picture
That's it. We need to rush Rush off the air. After directly lashing out at Sandra Fluke, the woman who was recently barred from testifying on what ended up to be an all male “expert” panel on birth control in Congress; and then quasi-apologizing, Rush Limbaugh is at it again. Let's do a quick recap...
Kristin's picture
Unbelievable! Clean air standards are under attack, again. A corporate-lobbyist backed amendment to the 2012 Federal Transportation bill would allow boilers to keep dumping toxic pollution into our air. Boilers are the second largest source of mercury air pollution in the nation. This amendment is...
Sarah Francis's picture
