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The Albuquerque City Council is considering paid sick days legislation this session and we have an opportunity to influence the scope and strength of the ordinance.
Sara Alcid's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Group of smiling people outdoors, marching for immigrant rights]
We are inspired by the hundreds of thousands of people who rallied this weekend all over the country in support of immigrant children and families! Your voices are making a difference! We have already defeated two very bad immigration bills in the last few weeks because Congress heard the outraged...
Kristin's picture
Pink sign with silver letters with "Families Belong Together" on it
Over the last year and a half we have seen this Administration create and implement cruel and relentless policies in pursuit of their vehemently anti-immigrant agenda--the latest installment being the forcible separation of thousands of children from their parents. Under immense public criticism,...
Cecelia Friedman Levin's picture
My father came to the United States when he was about 14 years old, full of the hope that every immigrant feels. He worked hard building houses, raising a family and teaching us to love our country. My mother, also a daughter of immigrants, shared his love and sense of justice. I can’t think of any...
Joan Lombardi's picture
*If you won’t be in Orlando, click here to get information on the Families Belong Together actions taking place across the country on Saturday, June 30 th . You can also download signs to print to take with you. Imprisoning children with their parents is still imprisoning children. Join us in...
Sili Recio's picture
It's been a week, friends. As we head into the weekend, our urgent message to you is that we are powerful, and our voices matter. This week we're speaking out about immigration, and celebrating some inspiring wins. We're also sharing helpful ways to support immigrants in your community, and a...
Karen Showalter's picture
Deborah Weinstein, CHN’s Executive Director, arrested in action at Senate office building.
Yesterday in Washington, DC, women placed their bodies and their hearts where the children had been days before. More than 500 of us got arrested by sitting down in the Hart Senate Office Building. My favorite chant? “Stop stealing babies!”
Debbie Weinstein's picture
Take Action!
The Trump administration and Attorney General Jeff Sessions instituted a “zero tolerance” policy to criminally prosecute 100% of people who have crossed between official border crossings, regardless of whether they are seeking asylum, resulting in the wholesale separation of over 2,000 children...
Khadija Gurnah's picture
Take Action!
While the recent Executive Order on family separation proved (again!) that our voices are powerful when we speak up for justice, it does NOT stop the Trump administration from continuing human rights abuses, like imprisoning entire families simply for asking for asylum, which is their legal right...
Khadija Gurnah's picture
I steeled myself before playing the audio of the distraught immigrant children separated from their parents and shipped off to detention centers. I avoid movies with cruelty and violence. It felt important to hear the children’s voices. A few seconds was all that I could bear. I pressed the space...
