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Instead of looking forward to sharing holiday meals with my family in the upcoming weeks, I’ve spent much of my time worrying about the safety of the food families like mine will be eating at their gatherings. Because of a new and very flawed poultry inspection rule that the USDA hopes to implement...
Phyllis McKelvey's picture
It makes no sense. FDA's decision this week to allow continued use of the neurotoxic pesticide lindane in children's lice shampoos has me completely stumped. The pesticide's use in pet products were withdrawn long ago. Then agricultural uses wer e pulled, back in 2006. Yet FDA just re-blessed the...
Kristin Schafer's picture
Every day, 5.5 million children live with the fear that one of their parents could be deported. Every day, families are torn apart by deportations and immigrant detentions. And every day, mothers struggle to be reunited with their children, like Yolanda, whose young son was ripped from her arms by...
Ai-jen Poo's picture
Solar energy has treated 2012 pretty well so far. Solar energy helped Germany break a record by producing as much electricity as 20 nuclear stations, will energize Apple’s latest data center, and provided Hurricane Sandy victims relief when the superstorm left nearly 5 million in the dark. When the...
Cassady Sharp's picture
Parents have been performing heroic feats since the dawn of time. Growing up, my mom worked the night shift as a medical technician but would still wake herself up for 3 hours in order to greet my sister and I coming home from school. She’d cook dinner for us and then help us with our homework...
Kat Maramba's picture
Twenty-six years ago when I first went to work for the United Church of Christ (UCC) Commission for Racial Justice, terms such as environmental racism, environmental INjustice, and environmental justice were just entering the lexicon. Communities of color, low-income, tribal and immigrant...
Vernice Miller-Travis's picture
Forty years ago, the nation made a commitment–in the form of the Clean Air Act—to cleaner air that would protect all Americans, especially our most vulnerable populations. Yet today, far too many American families are living and working in neighborhoods with dangerous levels of air pollutants that...
Jeff Levi's picture
In the summer of 2012, families throughout the United States, especially in urban areas, were alerted on dozens of days that the air was unsafe for their children to breathe. Some cities experienced record numbers of “code orange” and “code red” smog alert days. With childhood obesity also hitting...
Rebecca Watts Hull's picture
History doesn’t repeat itself but it rhymes ~ Attributed to Mark Twain One of the highlights on Election Night 2012 was when Obama alluded to Hurricane Sandy in his victory speech , saying that we all want our children to live in an America that isn’t threatened by the destructive power of a...
Dave Room's picture
It is hard to think of breathing as a luxury—but for my granddaughter that is her constant reality. Our family lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, which is one of the smoggiest cities in the country, largely because it’s surrounded by a ring of five coal-fired plants. In the five generations that...
Patricia Moore's picture
