Nina is an Early Childhood National Campaign Director and Florida Director at MomsRising/MamásConPoder where she has been organizing moms and families across the nation for over a decade on family economic security issues. Nina has been interviewed in numerous local and national news outlets, including PBS NewsHour, the New York Times, and The Guardian. On child care policy, Nina has testified in front of Congress for the Ways and Means Committee as an expert in her field. Nina's career has focused on ending the oppression and exploitation of women and girls. She was previously a Program Manager at Community Family Life Services supporting direct services and leadership with low-income communities in Washington, DC. Nina was also a founding member and Program Coordinator for the Young Women Leaders Program at the University of Central Florida. and lives in Jax, FL with her loving partner, inquisitive child, spunky cats, and books.
Blog Post List
October 23, 2015
I’m tired of hearing the questions. “What are you all waiting for? If you want two kids, you should probably get started soon…” or “Why are you even thinking about it?! You’re so young - enjoy the time you have together now,” and my personal favorite “Don’t be worried, you two will make great parents.” As a woman who has been with her partner since the age of 17 and who is soon approaching 30, this topic comes up often. Why, when, and how I intend to have babies. I love that women feel an openness to have these conversations (and these conversations ARE important), but the questions often...
Host a Moms Meetup!
October 8, 2015
As the youngest in my family, I often had to wait my turn. Waiting was no fun, but when my turn came, I was sure to make a splash. After two Republican Presidential debates, the Democratic candidates will finally have a chance to make a splash next Tuesday, October 13th at 8 pm ET /5 pm PT. Will the wait be worth it? Let’s see! Drum roll please…. It’s time to grab your popcorn, gather some friends and family, and maybe even some juice boxes and/or adult beverages to watch the debate! It’s time to see what the Democratic candidates for President have to say about the core issues facing...
Host a Moms Meetup!
October 8, 2015
As the youngest in my family, I often had to wait my turn. Waiting was no fun, but when my turn came, I was sure to make a splash. After two Republican Presidential debates, the Democratic candidates will finally have a chance to make a splash next Tuesday, October 13th at 8 pm ET /5 pm PT. Will the wait be worth it? Let’s see! Drum roll please…. It’s time to grab your popcorn, gather some friends and family, and maybe even some juice boxes and/or adult beverages to watch the debate! It’s time to see what the Democratic candidates for President have to say about the core issues facing...
July 30, 2015
Me llamo Nina Pérez y estoy aquí hoy en nombre de / Mamá y de nuestro más de un millón de miembros para expresar que tenemos el corazón roto porque una madre más ha tenido que sepultar a un hijo demasiado pronto. Ninguna madre debería tener que enfrentarse a esta tragedia o debería tener que vivir con el temor de que su hijo sea lastimado por quienes están encargados de protegerlo. Cada vez más estadounidenses están dándose cuenta de las formas en las que la policía utiliza perfiles raciales, ataca o incluso mata a hombres y mujeres de raza negra a una tasa...
July 30, 2015
My name is Nina Perez and I am here today on behalf of MomsRising and our million plus members to say that we are heartbroken that yet another mother has had to bury her child too soon. No mother should have to face that tragedy, or have to live in fear that their child will be harmed at the hands of those charged with their protection. More and more Americans are becoming aware of the ways in which the police racially profile, assault, or even kill Black men and women at significantly higher rates than White people and are calling for needed change. In fact, studies show that police stop,...
July 17, 2015
You’re invited to our celebration in Hattiesburg! RSVP by clicking this link to join MomsRising volunteers and friends on July 25th, 10:30 am at the Hattiesburg Zoo to thank Mayor DuPree and City Council members for for their leadership on children’s health in Mississippi! The event is free (a great chance to visit the zoo!) and it’s designed to give parents and kids a fun way to say, “Thank you!” to your local leaders. MomsRising and our partners at E³ Health Initiative are coming together to hand deliver the giant “Thank You!” card YOU signed to Mayor Dupree and City Council members, Kim...
June 25, 2015
We won! The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor the Affordable Care Act , keeping the financial assistance that keeps health insurance affordable under King v. Burwell! Over 10,000 MomsRising members like YOU signed on to our People’s Brief to stand with the millions of Americans whose healthcare was at risk—and your voices were heard. MILLIONS will now be able to keep their health coverage. But the fight isn’t over yet - Congress has a line up of bills gutting health reform all ready to go. (Yes, you read that right!) For example, U.S. Senate bill 1016 ridiculously proposes eliminating...
Childcare & Early Education Families & The Federal Budget Family Economic Security Paid Family Leave Paid Sick Days Politics & Policy Realistic & Fair Wages
June 10, 2015
In response to our #MissionPossible campaign to show lawmakers that building a stronger economy for working families and our nation IS mission possible, over one thousand people signed up to drop off booklets directly to their local member of Congress before June 21st. The booklet is an educational piece that includes facts about why family economic security policies make sense along with first-hand accounts from parents across the nation about unaffordable childcare, lack of paid sick days and maternity leave, unfair pay, and more. And by dropping off these booklets to the local offices of...
Take Action
April 28, 2015
As I watch the events unfolding following Freddie Gray’s funeral , I’m trying to find inspiration from the March2Justice that happened just one week ago today. Justice League NYC —along with families, youth, and community leaders—marched 250 miles from New York City all the way to the nation's capital to urge Congressional leadership to take decisive action on police brutality and racial profiling. They put their bodies on the line because they were “ fed up with years of police brutality and injustice toward people of color ” and because of the continued lack of accountability in the...
March 30, 2015
Please join MomsRising volunteers and staff on April 8th, 2015; 10:30 am at the City Council Meeting to thank Mayor Rawlings for his work to improve children's health in Dallas! MomsRising and our partners at Healthy Children in a Healthy Environment are coming together to personally deliver the giant “Thank You!” card MomsRising members signed to thank Mayor Rawling for his work (and the work of other local leaders) to decrease the number of uninsured children in the city, and to ask them to continue their work to improve children's health in Dallas. Here is what you need to know about this...
March 30, 2015
Great news! Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny DuPree and City Council members, Kim Bradley, Deborah Delgado, Carter Carroll, Mary Dryden, and Henry Naylor, are going the extra mile to make sure kids in Mississippi have the health coverage they need! Hattiesburg was awarded a grant through the National League of Cities to fund the E³ Health Initiative. This grant enrolls eligible families in low-cost health coverage available through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). It’s important that Mississippians throughout the state show support for Hattiesburg's leadership so we can...
March 20, 2015
“On behalf of all parents, joint and single, I pray that the CHIP program remains a source of support for our children.” ~ Tania Right now, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) covers millions of children across the United States—bringing the uninsured rate of children down by 50% (from 14% to 7%) since its beginnings. That’s why CHIP needs to be a top priority for Congressional leadership, because it helps protect the health and financial well being of so many families. People like Tania in Maryland, whose children are covered and receive vital care because of MCHP (the MD state...
Take Action
March 3, 2015
Just as the rate of uninsured adults has reached an all-time low , this access to affordable healthcare is under threat again. What’s the lowdown? Well, this week, the U.S. Supreme Court will review King v. Burwell, a case that threatens to eliminate the financial assistance for health coverage in about 36 states as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). If the court rules against the healthcare law, millions will be at risk of losing their health plans and costs would go up for all health insurance consumers. Yes, you read that right. MILLIONS of people could lose their health coverage. To...
Take Action
February 23, 2015
At MomsRising, we know moms are changing more than diapers everyday—and sometimes that includes making sure all moms have access to diapers! That’s why I couldn’t resist the opportunity to tell you about Heather, a local Pittsburgh “Mom in Action” and blogger of Diary of a First Time Mom , who has helped organize the Burgh Baby Diaper Drive ( February 1-28 ) as a way to give back to Pittsburgh’s smallest residents. Sign up to get involved with the Burgh Baby Diaper Drive and support this super mom’s great work. You can help address diaper need in Pittsburgh! There are Pittsburgh moms...
February 9, 2015
When shopping for a plan, a few questions to ask include: How much health care do I need? Do you expect to visit a doctor often? Is my preferred brand of birth control covered? How important is it to me to see my current doctor? Am I expecting any major life events in the coming year?
Raise your voice!
January 30, 2015
In early March, the Supreme Court of the United States will review a case that threatens to eliminate financial assistance for health coverage in about 36 states as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Take Action
January 30, 2015
Great news! Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown and other city leaders are going the extra mile to make sure our kids have the health coverage they need! Jacksonville was recently awarded a grant through the National League of Cities to connect uninsured kids with low-cost KidCare and Medicaid coverage. With more than 17,000 uninsured children in Duval County alone , this Cover Jacksonville campaign can help us go a long way toward decreasing the number of uninsured children in our community. This is important because when children have health insurance, they enjoy better health throughout...
January 23, 2015
A lot. A 2013 Pew Research study found that nearly half of all moms polled said, “that their ideal situation would be to work part time.” This shouldn’t come as a surprise. When you add a 40-hour workweek to the demands of being a primary caregiver, the dual (triple? quadruple?) roles can leave you exhausted. And the reality is that for many parents, a 40-hour workweek just isn’t a legitimate option. Some years ago I worked with an amazing mom who, because of the excellence of her work, was offered an increase in her hours by our company. But when asked, she told us she couldn’t work 40 hours...
January 9, 2015
Having a personal space of my own is as necessary in my life as breathing. I don’t need to use my personal “me space” everyday, but I like to know that it’s there should I need it. As someone who has always had to cohabitate—first sharing a bedroom with my older sister, then with college roommates, and now my husband—what prevented a head-spinning exorcist moment was my insistence on claiming even just a corner (if sitting in your closet, uggs provide the best cushioning) to myself. But how do you claim a space for yourself when you have a million things competing for your attention?
December 18, 2014
My favorite Christmas memory is from one of the toughest years of my adult life. When my husband and I moved into our apartment together, our first winter living away from home was the hardest. We were in a new city with no family or friends in the area, we rarely saw each other because he went to school in the morning while I worked nights, and we barely had enough money to cover our basic expenses. With all the change, I was adamant that we try to have sense of normalcy during the holidays—which included buying our first (small) Christmas tree! At first I figured we would make some paper...